40th Birthday Card Messages: What To Write - Funky Pigeon Blog (2024)

What to say

Last updated: June 26th, 2024 Published on: June 18, 2024

40th Birthday Card Messages: What To Write - Funky Pigeon Blog (1)

That special someone turns 40 soon, so don’t forget that what you put in their card is just as important as the 40th birthday card itself! Take this time to share how much you appreciate them and care about them, or see how cheeky you can be because aging jokes are always funny, right? If you’re struggling to come up with the perfect 40th birthday message, take a look at these messages we’ve come up with to give you inspiration…

Sentimental 40th Messages

Share a special, loving message with the birthday someone because they deserve it.

  • Happy 40th birthday! Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world.
  • I hope your birthday is as special as you are, happy 40th!
  • You’ve been amazing for the last 40 years so thank you for just being you! Happy birthday.
  • As you turn 40, know you’re valued and loved by us all. We wish you the best 40th birthday and a fabulous start to a new decade.
  • You’ve achieved so much in 40 years, now the best is yet to come. Keep being fantastic, happy 40th birthday!
  • You are incredible and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Happy 40th birthday, you deserve a wonderful day.

Funny 40th Messages

Why not lighten the mood by making a little joke out of the lucky recipient (age jokes are always allowed) …

  • Happy 40th! Let’s say for your sake, things only get better with age!
  • Don’t lose hope just yet because you’re not officially middle aged. Happy 40th
  • You may not be over the hill yet, but you have a great view! Happy 40th birthday.
  • Don’t be sad you’re getting older, if you let aging get you down then you’ll never get back up again! Happy birthday, 40-year-old!
  • Remember now you’re 40, you’re just 20 but with double the experience and double the wrinkles.
  • Congrats on your very old age, happy 40th birthday.

Inspirational 40th Messages

Spread some positivity with an inspirational message or quote…

  • Remember you’re not getting older, you’re just getting better! Happy 40th
  • Happy 40th birthday, now put those 40 years of experience to good use!
  • Happy birthday, say hello to your fabulous 40s because you’re only getting better with age!
  • Happy birthday, I hope your 40s are everything you want them to be!
  • If your next 40 years are even half as good as the first, you’ll have a great time! Happy birthday and enjoy it.
  • I hope your 40s bring you lots of joy and success, so let’s celebrate a new decade. Happy 40th birthday!

For a Friend

Whether they’re the first or last in the group to turn 40, make your friend feel loved with a fun birthday message…

  • Turning 40 doesn’t need to be boring, thanks for filling my life with years of fun and cheers to many more. Happy birthday!
  • You make 40 look fabulous!
  • Sending love to my favourite person on your special day. Here’s to another great year!
  • If it makes you feel better, no one will ever guess that you’re 40! Happy birthday.
  • I’m so happy to have you as a friend… even if you are getting old. Happy 40th birthday.
  • Happy birthday to my best friend. You’re 40 years young and still as amazing as ever.

For a Husband/Wife

You’re hitting another milestone together so share your love and appreciation of that special someone with them on their special day…

  • To my amazing husband/wife, happy 40th birthday! You deserve the best day so let’s go out and have fun (without the kids).
  • Happy 40th birthday to the only person I want to grow old together with and we’re both now one step closer.
  • To my lovely husband/wife, let’s celebrate many more years of us being together. Happy 40th birthday!
  • Now we’re both 40, let’s hope we age like a fine wine. Happy birthday husband/wife.
  • Happy 40th birthday to my partner for life, I’m so happy we get to make more memories together.
  • Happy birthday, you’re now my favourite 40-year-old alive!

For a Son/Daughter

Now your kids are turning middle-aged, you probably can’t believe it! Let them know how loved they are with a special message just for them…

  • Let’s celebrate another decade of you making us proud of the man/ woman you’ve become. Happy 40th birthday my amazing son/ daughter.
  • Happy birthday, maybe now you’re 40 you’ll understand that we weren’t grumpy parents, we were just getting old.
  • Happy 40th birthday! No matter how old you get, you’ll always be our little boy/girl.
  • You are so accomplished, considerate and loving, you make us so proud to be your parents. Happy 40th
  • Happy birthday, you have become the most amazing son/daughter and dad/mum, we’re so proud of you!
  • Happy 40th birthday to my son/daughter. You always spread so much positivity and kindness, you must get it off me!

Still looking for that show stopping 40th birthday card? Find all 40th cards and an array of special 40th gifts on our website. Share memories with our personalised photo gifts or treat them with a luxury gift or hamper. Celebrate the milestone with something extra special!

40th Birthday Card Messages: What To Write - Funky Pigeon Blog (2024)


40th Birthday Card Messages: What To Write - Funky Pigeon Blog? ›

"Life begins on your 40th birthday, but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person three or four times." "Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age." "Every man over forty is a scoundrel." "Happy birthday!

What is a quirky 40th birthday quote? ›

"Life begins on your 40th birthday, but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person three or four times." "Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age." "Every man over forty is a scoundrel." "Happy birthday!

What is the inspirational quote for 40th birthday? ›

Genuine and Emotional 40th Birthday Captions
  • Life really does begin at 40. ...
  • I can't believe I've been in this body for 40 years. ...
  • 40 and renewed.
  • Thankful, grateful, and 40!
  • Blossoming into 40.
  • 40 is the new 30. ...
  • Life is a book and I've heard that your forties are the chapters when it all starts making sense...
Feb 8, 2024

What to say to a woman turning 40? ›

40 and Fabulous!” “Every year of life is a gift, even 40.” “See age as the gift that it is and you will always be grateful on your birthday.” “Today, you're a little more beautiful, smart, witty, and awesome.

How do you wish a friend on their 40th birthday? ›

"To my amazing friend on their 40th birthday: May the next 40 years be even more incredible than the first." "Happy 40th Birthday! May this milestone be a reminder of how far you've come and a promise of how far you'll go." "Wishing you a very Happy Birthday as you turn 40!

What is the 40th birthday milestone called? ›

What makes a 40th birthday special? A quote from W. B. Pitkin states: “Life Begins at Forty.” The literal term for a 40th birthday is called a “Ruby Jubilee.” Forty is spiritually significant since it marks the middle of your life.

What is an inspiring quote about turning 40? ›

Wise 40th birthday quotes

You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.” – George Burns. “The first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty supply the commentary.” – Arthur Schopenhauer. “Youth has no age.” – Pablo Picasso.

Why is turning 40 so special? ›

Turning 40 often comes with a significant shift in priorities and values. This period allows for introspection and evaluation of past decades, providing a clearer picture of what truly matters. For many, this is a time to focus on personal growth, family, friendships, and passions.

What is the significance of the 40th birthday? ›

40th Birthday

Reaching the age of 40 marks a mid-point in life, prompting contemplation on achievements, goals, and aspirations. It is a time to celebrate personal and professional milestones while looking ahead to the future with renewed determination and purpose.

How do you make someone feel special on their 40th birthday? ›

Surprise your loved one with a special trip over the weekend as a 40th birthday gift. Book a room in a spa hotel or choose a sports activity that you've always wanted to try together. Enjoy spending time together catching up, eating nice food, and making new memories.

What to say in a 40th birthday speech? ›

Expressing Emotions: “Watching you reach this milestone has been a remarkable journey. Your passion for life, your resilience, and your ability to bring joy to those around you are truly inspiring. You've achieved so much already, and I am incredibly proud of the person you have become.”

What is the best birthday message? ›

Birthday Wishes for Friend
  • “Happy Birthday to someone who knows me better than I know myself.”
  • “Cheers to another fabulous year of life! ...
  • “Thank you for being the reason I smile. ...
  • “Birthdays come around every year, but friends like you only come once in a lifetime.”
  • “You're not just my friend, but my family.
Jun 15, 2024

What is an inspirational message for 40th birthday? ›

🌟 Welcome to your 40s, where your body might start to wrinkle, but your sense of adventure continues to shine bright. Happy Birthday! Life's milestones are not supposed to be counted, they're supposed to be celebrated. Happy 40th to an inspiring man!

What is the caption for the 40th birthday? ›

Cute 40th Birthday Instagram Captions

Fierce, fabulous, and forty! Embracing this new chapter with open arms and a heart full of dreams 💖 Let the adventures begin. Hello 40, let's be friends. Promising to fill you with laughter, love, and lots of coffee ☕️❤️ Here's to growing gracefully and gratefully.

When life begins at 40 quotes? ›

"At the age of twenty, we don't care what the world thinks of us; at thirty, we worry about what it is thinking of us; at forty, we discover that it wasn't thinking of us at all." "The first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty supply the commentary." "Life begins on your 40th birthday.

What should I caption for my 40th birthday? ›

Short 40th Birthday Instagram Captions
  • Hello, 40! ...
  • Fabulous, fierce, and forty 💁‍♀️✨
  • Cheers to four decades of fabulous 🍾🎂
  • Life's just getting started at 40 💫
  • Forty, flirty, and thriving 🌹
  • Aged to perfection, celebrating 40 years 🍷
  • 40 isn't old, it's a classic 🕰️
  • Welcome to my 40th chapter: Adventure awaits 🌍

What is said about turning 40? ›

Your 40th birthday welcomes you into grand middle age—or as some like to think of it, the "sweet spot." This decade doesn't have the casual immaturity of youth, nor does it have the constant dependency of old age.

What is an amazing birthday quote? ›

On your birthday we wish for you that whatever you want most in life it comes to you just the way you imagined it or better. Happy birthday!” “Sending your way a bouquet of happiness…To wish you a very happy birthday!” “Wishing you a beautiful day with good health and happiness forever.

What is special about 40th birthday? ›

A 40th birthday marks a turning point in life. It's a moment when we reflect on how far we've come, and how much more we want to accomplish. And if, as the saying goes, life begins at 40, a 40th birthday party offers a great way to usher in this exciting new phase of life.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.