Onrush of Dreaded Wings - Chapter 2 - TheIdealofGreed - オーバーロード - 丸山くがね | Overlord (2024)

Chapter Text

Children - NPCs made as a compromise due to neither Grievous or Suzuki wanting to bring kids into their world. Idea from Staying Behind
1. Obviously no need to have them married, OP actually thinks it's more platonic "take care of each other when old" level close friends, but poster was charmed by the idea and wrote it like this
• Idea: Act 2/3 - Just a bit of cuteness Grievous wanted to add to connect them to big brother Pandora's Actor
1. Actually plays into an unintentional theme with the npcs - Pandora's Actor, the everyman actor - Chaikal, the musician - Lupara, the "voice actress" - Dumah, a "special effects" worker - Magya, "everybeast" actor - Sworn Moonlight, maintenance and practical effect play. Quite the setup available for a stageshow
• Double names - A "normal" name chosen by their father & an "angelic" name chosen by their mother
• Mirror skull suit?- One or both have (som like) this?
• Part of their creation idea process were:
1. beings who could also serve as effective support for their parents & each other
2. Have similarities to their parents build, in the manner of "fusion-alternative" - a melee fighter whose build and lore are things for intelligence-based abilities + a really f#$king strong ability, & one who specializes in massively destructive uses of negative energy and light
• Shared lore
1. With their parents being functionally immortal(Heteromorphs canonically have no life-span) neither give thought to the idea of inheriting rule of Nazarick. Lupara even says she'll back Eclair if he somehow manages it without threatening her parents(maybe he'll talk them into retirement :) because of how cute she finds him
• Optional design: Dragon Blaze Omega - can't decide if idea for son or daughter, so meh. Probably high-tier paladin tank. Maybe reduce size of crest

Daughter - Lupara (shotgun name, literally "for the wolf," heard from an episode of Capitane Marleau), (Act 2): Passing of Unconquered Moons
1. Lore - A genius combatant, the rare sort who can rapidly adapt & improve mid-combat, very OPM Garou/KA Kiryu. Deeply enjoys this, with a sense of sadism that aims less towards inflicting pain as it does being able to overcome & inevitably absolutely dominate whoever stands before her - Angel On My Shoulder Productions Red Vs Blue Femme Felix
2. Extremely intelligent. In terms of raw iq, she's slightly below the likes of Demiurge, Pandora's Actor & Albedo, but her genius combined with her varied fields of knowledge enables her to not only grasp their lines of thought, but also supplement & even improve on their plans. Could & would implement Sakigake Trifling of Ignorance
3. Daddy's girl. Her lore has her think of him in the more laid-back persona he actually has instead of the super-genius the other npcs uphold, so it tends to impact her on a different level when such misunderstandings happen as she didn't expect such a thing, though she's also more likely to pick up on his stress & try to help him. (For Jaeger Sixth design - Very happy that she has the same color scheme as her dear dad) This combined with her studious nature makes her one of the quickest & easiest to believe her fathers warnings about humans. Once she learns of his warrior aims, would likely (be very eager to) try to aid/train him in melee combat as a father-daughter bonding exercise
4. Very studious, with her lore casting her as an extremely learned monk, which actually helped compel Grievous in her search for Yggdrasil lore to fill Ashurbanipal. Aims to learn what she can from various beings. An ex of this imitates Suzuki, memorizing spells even if she can't use them to read her opponents strength & plan against them, with her knowledge on the subject enabling her to train others to use magic even if she can't. An extension of this was times when Grievous got the various guild members, including Touch Me, to spar with her(as part of her investigating gaining skills outside of but related to their class) - would this work since you might choose to have made them after others left? - prob have her study the guild pvp recordings? Develops a theory, that as a former inhabitant of Yggdrasil, she'll only be able to gain martial arts if she harvests exp &/or ki from new worlders 1st - would probably attempt to supplement her chances by devouring their ki right before training. May ask to covertly follow Albedo on her diplomacy mission to Re-Estize to observe & hone both her stealth skills - Albedo will probably freely admit this to Zanac to accomadate her wishes for a better challenge - An extension of this is she might meet Blue Rose & Climb, who are probably taken off guard by how weirdly open & chipper she is about her training
5. Has some of her mothers "silliness" - would likely threaten to either bonk and/or spank (one for each) Tia & Tina with their own (sheathed) blades if they try to sneak up on her while going to draw them, very calmly and without looking
6. New world?/Yggdrasil lore friendly?training method - has Kyouhoku accompany her, and while his subjects feed, she'll strike between their movements without harming them
• Design options - 第六猟兵-jaeger sixth 白銀・神月(神憑忍者・f09339)《 the Jiangshi one - sub picture of this girl. White hair & skin, red eyes. Rather good looking blue, gold & black outfit, though maybe different head wear. The chest would need to be reduced & more closed to match up with Overlord rather then giant anime titty, so refer to her other pics (probably her sniper/scythe sizes) - don't know what's going on with this girl, she seems to have a wildy varying bust size/silverlynx69 ODDTOBER Day 23 Jiangshi Girl - white skin and hair. Black claws. Orange eyes/Killer Instinct-kaxlene Hisako?/berryverrine《》B.V. Silent-Pray-Blue-Pure- gray skin, red eyes, blue hair, very interesting optical illusion-type outfits
1. Some of these pics are of extreme anime proportions, so would have to make a note of that toned down to fit more with the aesthetic of Overlord
2. With her white/gray skin + the npc beauty effect, she probably seems more like a gorgeously carven statue(Jaeger Sixth design would likely call up references to white moonstone-coral) instead of (corpse) pale like Shalltear. Vague idea - has some interaction with Crusch over encountering another with her colors?
• Ascetic Dead - High-tier Zombie race inspired by Jiangshi, with a sarcastic name born from how they've transcended the desire for physicaly feeding in favor of devouring life force. Brutally strong, with their origins stiffness rebranded as a body with armor-like hardness
1. Natural weapons in the form of claws(piercing + slashing)
2. Not subject to rigor mortis stiffening, as even the sh*tty devs probably wouldn't be vicious enough to waste data on a species that can't properly move, so probably went the other way & gave them beast-like movement capabilities
3. Probably well suited for a monk (monk assassin?) build with her life-force absorption giving her an advantage against normal monks(prob also functions as a max hp reducer)& their inherent agility capacity giving them great speed
4. gains Way of Undeath( - homebrew) skills
5. As a high tier zombie race, she can feely detach & reattach pieces of herself up to & including her head, even possessing a reforming ability similar to elementals(ref to Jojo Vampire Dio for ex) when she can press them together
6. (Taking inspiration from RV Ling Ling -) Perhaps when sufficiently agitated, her skin develops a crack-like pattern, her teeth sharpen to fangs & her fingers(& toes) harden & blacken into claw-like points
7. Technically capable of eating, but the negative energy infused to her body breaks it down to nothing instead of truly digesting, so they still can't gain buffs from food, barring maybe something meant for Undead 》maybe some sort of "long pork" variant《 would likely require some method to maintain the life force for devouring
• Extemely high ki manipulation: 45 job levels - her special ability stat is probably at "exceeds limit" level
1. By comb Ki Hurricane with her Ki Absorption abilities, she can release a brutal barrage not unlike her mothers
2. Her build is one of those monsters that starts off good & gets progressively more dangerous as the fight goes on, both by accruing bonuses & gathering info on her target. Ex: while their baseline stats outclass hers, her years of time around the Floor Guardians enables her to confidently face off with any of them in a head-on fight
• artbymaylynn OC: Jin Fei Hong - possible human disguise & expression of a ki ability
• Possible technique names - Shaking Cliff/Coiling Snake

Racial Levels - 20
• Zombie Monk - 5
• Black Monk - 10
1. Also good to look at for possible ways she can contort her body
• Ascetic Dead - 5

Job Levels 731. Ignore most of the "this replaces this" stipulations unless appropriate, especially War Scholar's negative effects on strikes
2. Imagining there's a wide variety of monk rare classes labelled as "schools/styles"
• Monastic Erudite - 10
1. Poster made. An intelligence-type job class as a combination of Cobalt Soul, Perfect Scholar & Monk of the Mantis, for Monks with a lore background of being well learned in a wide range of subjects & able to apply that knowledge, so good for her lore
• Sensei - 5
1. Mixed War Scholar into Sensei
• Ki Master: Spiritual - 15
• Ki Master: Physical - 15
• Qigong Master - 10
• Serpent Fire Adept - 5
1. See dnd Occult Rules/d20pfsrd Chakras
• Monk of the Eclipsing Moon - 5
1. Gains Setting Sun & Shadow Hand stances & maneuvers
2. See Unquiet Grave discipline 》also for Dumah
3. Incorporate the Mercy Monk?
5. Give Lupara In the Dark, All are One?

Rejected Lupara class ideas
• Master of Many Styles - 5
• Perfect Style - Lupara can "fuse"/enjoy the stances/benefits of up to 5 styles at once, and freely switch out any of these at will
1. Favors Kirin/Linnorm/Perfect: Iron/Psychovore/Thrashing Dragon
• Aethen?《 from one of the Lich Monk homebrews I found/Sokushinbutsu?/Dokaku?/Makyō?/Mushi-Dokugo?/Thirsting Sage?- 3 - was an idea for her Eclipse-type class, and the class she would gain if she finished maxing out her current build
1. Damage Reduction 30?
2. Empty Voice - Creates a 30-foot cone (that leaves areas?)of breathlessness, making it hard for creatures to breathe properly even if they are wearing environmental protection, such as a sealed suit of armor. Each creature within the area begins rapidly gaining fatigue. Creatures that do not breathe are immune to this effect
3. Ever-Living - When Lupara would be reduced to 0 hp, she can spend a ki point to survive with 1 hp
4. Legendary Resistance
5. Ki Drain - Targets one within 15 feet. Victim takes necrotic damage & their max hp is reduced by that amount while Lupara gains an equal amount of hp & ki. Gains 1 Serpent-Fire Ki for every 50 ki
6. Magic Res III
7. Return to Nothing(from Gray Monk homebrew prestige class)- Lupara can choose to have her attacks act as disintegrate for the purpose of destroying bodies when the victims health hits 0, or to destroy force (& similar) effects. This can ignore a certain degree?/half of an obj-struc's hardness per strike
8. Self-Rejuvenation - If slain, Lupara is left as a spirit upon the astral plane, where she can use her ki drain ability to restore herself, allowing her to self-resurrect without loss to levels. Only subject to normal death/resurrection rules if she is slain in this state
9. Steal Breath now also reduces max hp, & victims cannot speak for 7 minutes
10. Still Body - Lupara can choose to end a single effect upon herself(such as from a spell or condition)with a use of this
11. True Mind-Affecting Imm
12. True Psychic Damage Imm
13. True Spiritual Damage Imm
14. Undying Sage's Thirst?- overrides anti-ki Drain skills and effects like Restrained Coil
15. Unnatural Movement - Can move along vertical surfaces & across liquids without falling
16. Thirsting Sage skill idea - can gain ki abilities/type skills from other monk classes by draining their ki
• Erudite Ghoul-Ghast?/Voidclaw Zombie?/Guecuba?/Gravebound?rename Graveborn?/Breatheless Monksee about Sokushinbotsu("A Buddha in this very body"), those buried alive monks
1. Now thinking to just combine Ghoul stuff with Zombie
2. Sokushinbotsu talks about ridding the self of fat, muscle and moisture, so maybe Water Res
3. mokujikigyō, or "tree-eating." Foraging through nearby forests, practitioners subsisted only on tree roots, nuts and berries, tree bark, and pine needles. One source also reports finding river rocks in the bellies of mummiesIt also prevented future decomposition by depriving the body's naturally-occurring bacteria of vital nutrients and moisture. On a more spiritual level, the extended, isolated quests for food would have a "hardening" effect on the monk's morale, disciplining him and encouraging contemplation.
4. To begin the embalming process, monks may have added a tea brewed of urushi, the sap of the Chinese lacquer tree, as it would render their bodies toxic to insect invaders after death.
Rejected skill ideas
• Disabling Palm - Lupara can have her Quivering Palm knock the target unconcious instead of killing them
• Fa Jin
•Quivering Palm Versatility - Lupara can alter her Quivering Palm's effect to:
1. Coma - Victim falls unconscious & helpless for a number of days equal to Lupara's monk (class-line?) levels
2. Memory Loss - Victim falls unconscious for 24 hours & loses memory of the last number of days up to Lupara's monk levels. This lost memory can only be restored by a Wish, Miracle or high-tier mental magic
3. Pain - Victim takes the damage of Quivering Palm as nonlethal/subduing damage
• Resistant To Arms?- Halves damage from physical weapons. Goes before Dam Reduc
• Style Strike

• Water Splitting Stone - Her unarmed strikes gain a bonus against opponents with Damage Reduction effective against said strikes

HP - 72
MP - 8
PHY. ATK. - 69
PHY. DEF. - 81
MAG. ATK. - 0
MAG. DEF. - 85
SPECIAL ABILITY - Exceeds limits
TOTAL - 705

Race Skills
• Ability Damage Imm
• Ability Damage IV
• Ability Drain II
• Ability Drain Imm
• Acid Res V
• Behavioral Disturbance Res V
• Bludgeoning Damage Res III
• Consume the Living - By spending a ki point Lupara can inflict bonus necrotic damage & regain hp equal to said damage
• Crystal Res IV
• Deadhand Master - Plentiful bonuses to countering Fear(-type effects). If targeted by a fear(-type effect), Lupara gains temp hp instead. Those hit by her Ki Strike have a chance of being Shaken, and can bestow temp neg levels that can become permanent if the victim can't remove them in time
• Deathwatch - Can tell the state of creatures within 30 feet, sensing if they're dead, close to death (such as from wounds), Undead or neither alive nor dead (such as constructs). This ignores magic or abilities which falsify such info
• Deflect Arrows
• Deflect Blows
• Deflect Missiles
• Deflect Spells - Lupara can use her unarmed body to "catch"/parry/slow a fired spell to reduce it's damage/effects. If reduced to 0, the spell in question sputters out with no effect. If the spell in question does no damage, Deflect Spells auto-succeeds, assuming she managed to get it off
• Earth Glide - Lupara can move through stone, dirt or any other sort of earth(-based/type material, except metal) as easily as a fish swims through water. This "burrowing" leaves behind no no tunnel or hole (unless Lupara wishes it to?), nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A Move Earth spell/effect cast on the area containing Lupara may fling her back up to 30 feet.
1. As per spell from Races of Stone
2. She also mixes this into combat, not just fully diving but also dropping a bit, altering her height to duke blows & allowing her to slide/skate around the field
• Earth Imm
• Elec Res III
• ?Erudite Feaster - By devouring brains, Lu gains bonuses to actions, knowl & can briefly gain skills from her victim
• Evasion
• Fire Res IV
• Fire Vuln
• Ghost Bane
• Good, Light and Holy Vuln II
• Good and Holy Consecrated Areas' Vuln
• Graveborn - Ascetic Dead are bound up in the earth. Effects and spells that keyed specifically for Earth Elementals can also target Lupara
• Gravity Res V
• Greater Blindfighting
• Ice Imm
• Improved Unarmed Strike
• Ki Res III
• Ki Strike - While she has ki, Lupara's unarmed strikes count as magical for the purposes of overcoming Unenchanted Res/Imm/damage reduc, & they ignore 20% of her targets hardness
• Life From A Stone - Lupara can steal ki or life force from any creature, not just living beings.
• Life Funnel - If Lupara confirms a crit or reduces a creature to 0 hp, she gains hp equal to her Monk level
1. Her racial classes do count as Monk levels
• Light Steps - Ignores difficult terrain of natural environments
• Lost Undead vulnerability to bludgeoning damage with her Black Monk class, and an Undead's weakness to positive energy, such as from healing magic, as an Ascetic Dead
• Magic Break III - With Ki Strike she has the potential & a bonus to breaking magic items or ongoing magical effects, such as buffs on the target
• Metal Res IV
• Mind-Affecting Imm
• Natural Attacks - Bite. Claws. Can retract
• Negative Energy Touch - has to burn 2 ki points for 10 seconds of use
• Negative Protection
• Obsidian Soul - Comb of Dark Soul(sim to her dads) & Diamond Soul(monk skill)
1. Also bestows a highly potent Spell Res - she could ignore up to tier 5 from Caster builds with this, but that's upped to tier 7 with her job classes
2. Spell Turn - 17 second cooldown
3. High bonus to counter prediction-type effects?
• Patient Defense - Still doesn't require ki
• Petrification Imm
• Piercing Damage Res V
• Positive Energy Res III
• Predators Sight - Passively perceives life force, even through (most) stealth skills & spells, within her view
• Recover By Earth - similar to Recover By Fire users with lava(& a way to get around suffocating under molten rock), she can utilize this skill by "burrowing" under a sufficient amount of earth, which acts like Fast Healing
• Recover by Negative Energy
• Recover by Positive Energy
• Sage's Bane - By striking a target, Lupara can disrupt & weaken abilities (whose lore states) that rely on intelligence &/or wisdom (Spellcasting, Monk ki, etc). For every level/point/skill that Lupara successfully nullifies in this manner, she gains 5 hp. Should this exceed her max hp, it stacks as (up to 50) temp hp that dissipates after 30 minutes
• Sense Living
• Sharp Senses
• Siege Monster - Lupara deals double damage to objects and structures, ignores some of their hardness and things thrown (or otherwise bodily launched) by her can act as siege artillery
• Sipping Demon - Lupara gains a point of temp hp per successful melee attack, & gains temp hp equal to her Monk levels with a crit, up to 50 points. Ascetic Dead do not suffer from positive energy overload. Requires at least 1 ki point in her ki pool to use
• Slashing Damage Res V
• Snatch Arrows
• Spider Climb - Lupara can move over walls, ceiling and other such surfaces at her normal speeds, and does not require use of her hands for this
• Steal Breath - Lupara can "steal the breath"(akin to the spell Suffocation, although this variant cannot kill the victim) of an incapacitated(restrained/stunned/asleep/etc)creature, inflicting a level of exhaustion, a negative energy level?, & gaining 10 hp, normal or temp. Inflicts Black Apoxia.
1. Black Apoxia - When victims of this disease rest, they gain a level of exhaustion & suffer a reduction to their Phy Def & Res stat. This continues with every rest + the victim cannot regain hp or recover from fatigue/exhaustion via rest. Curing the disease does not restore their lost stat numbers
2. As an Ascetic Dead, Lupara does not retain the rotting breath scent of a Kurobozu/Black Monk
• Steal Ki - By striking a living creature, Lupara is able to replenish her own ki. Whenever she robs ki, Lupara gains a temporary bonus to resist &/or cast off a single negative effect (of her choice) inflicted upon her
• Stone-Hard Skeleton - Halves crit & "crit-like" damage. High bonus to resist (unwilling) dismemberment
• Stone Sight - Lupara can see through earth, stone, crystal & the like up to 90 feet
• Stunning Fist
• Stunning Hand - A per-hit chance to stun those struck by any of Lupara's unarmed melee attacks. This stun lasts twice as long as a normal Monks Stunning Fist when it procs with a successful use of Stunning Fist
• Tranquility - By meditating uninterrupted for 4/8?hours, Lupara can gain the effects of a Sanctuary spell on herself that lasts for the next 48 hours. While she still cannot attack creatures without it ending early, she is not restricted from any other effect, action, skill, Ki ability or otherwise that doesn't directly inflict damage. She can also choose to apply her Sanctuary to one other creature, but this will end it's effects on her
1. Bone Wizard homebrew-based
• Tremorsense - 300 feet
• Triple Jointed - Transcends typical limits on joints《 refer to Kurobozu pics and DC Ragdoll for example
• Turn Res IV. Acts as Immunity while she has over 25 ki
• Unarmored Defense
• Unarmored Movement
• Unyielding Body - A defense equal to Relic class Natural Armor - does not impede item wearing, but doesn't have slots for Data Crystals
1. Causes a "backlash" if one strikes what would be a melee(strike or touch spell) critical hit on others body, with the attacker receiving 30% of their own crit damage for that strike
2. Damage reduction 30
3. Ignores physical attacks level 50 & below. Cuts 20% off the damage of attacks over that level
4. Moderate Fortification - 50% chance to ignore bonus damage of a(n immunity-bypassing) crit
• Undying Burst - By spending 6 ki points, Lupara can release a 30 foot radius aura of negative energy centered on herself that inflicts necrotic damage & negative energy levels. Creatures that die in this area rise as Undead under Lupara's control.
• Undying Sage's Ki Pool - Far larger/Secondary ki pool. 114?
1. Scales off of the Ki Master-type classes
• Vile Ki Strike - Lupara can have her ki strikes deal an additional point of Vile Damage. While this is active, she cannot use ki-based healing effects

Job Skills
• Advice - Lupara can provide bonuses to others in a similar manner as Bardic Inspiration, even being able to incite the effects of things like Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence & Inspire Greatness
• Anatomic Studies - Bonuses to identify the abilities & weaknesses of creatures, and enhances abilities that grant benefits for observing something over time. Does not suffer a penalty to this for having never seen the creature before
• Astral Self?- Can become a Ki Ghost/Being. Combine Perfect Self outsider stuff with this subclass stuff so she becomes it instead of manifesting it? 》body becomes Ki
1. Idea origin from Monk Astral Self subclass
• Battle Focus - Lupara can take a moment to focus herself for battle, adding a percentile bonus to her damage, attack attempts & dodging equal to her intelligence/wisdom-type Monk class levels
• Blood From A Stone
• Calm Mind - Immunity to Charm and Compulsion effects. If Lupara fails to resist being inflicted with a condition, she can spend one ki point to shake it off
1. Bone Wizard homebrew
• Chakras - Must be activated in order & maintained. User normally selects one to use at a time. Some have a visual effect
1. Root - Damage Reduc 7 per opened chakra
2. Sacral - Grants a Fly speed equal to twice her land speed that acts like Perfect Flight
3. Navel - User can channel the Serpent-Fire as a 50 foot cone breath attack, which can be controlled from anyway to reducing the distance, narrowing it to a line which extends the distance or reshaping it, such as widening the cone, curling the line for specific strikes or even creating spaces where it doesn't touch. This radiant gout of orange-red liquid flame somewhat resembles fire, but bypasses all forms of energy resistance, protection and immunity. The damage increases further for each Chakra opened beyond Navel
4. Heart - Can channel her Serpent-Fire into a torrent of healing energy. Grants her a passive Regeneration 2 every second & she can touch any adjacent living creature with this fire to (continuously) heal for 15 hp + double the number of awakened Chakras. She can choose to remove one confused, nauseated, sickened, staggered or stunned condition from the healed creature per tic. Lupara in particular can also heal Undead, but still not constructs
5. Throat - She slips into a kind of trance. She can take actions as normal, but she constantly mutters incoherent, often disturbing utterances of a vastly primal nature as she speaks the underlying tongue of the universe. Lupara can use Power Words at will. 10/15 sec cooldown. While this Chakra is open, she can also freely and at-will use Utterance or her other skills that normally burn a use of Utterance
6. Brow - Gains the benefits of divine truesight, soulsight, greater arcane sight, detect expertise(pthfn. Auto-succ), x-vision + thoughtsense. This literally opens a shining third eye of psychic/"universal" energy upon the initiate's forehead, which is easily perceived by anyone looking at the initiate, and persists so long as she maintains the brow chakra.
7. Crown - Once Lupara has opened (but not necessarily selected/used) all her Chakras to this point, she becomes able to use the benefit of two chakras at once, even if she doesn't select the Crown. Selecting the Crown lets her metaphorically "re-attempt" anything she does twice more, such as attacking, dodging or skill uses, with a high bonus to succeed. Reaching this point causes Lupara to be bathed in glimmering golden hues which illuminate her head like a gleaming halo as she "temporarily transcends mortality and becomes aligns with the power and cosmic harmony of the multiverse"
• Chakra Adept - Reduces the difficulty of maintaining Chakras when she doesn't choose to open a new one. After she stops spending Serpent-Fire Ki to maintain her Chakras, the Kundalini energy lingers in her body; after said ceasing of pay, her highest Chakra closes & Lupara can select & utilize one of her still opened Chakras up until the next period she would've normally paid another Ki, at which point that one closes and so on until it's done
• Chakra Expertise - High bonus to maintaining awakened Chakras. Reduces the Ki consumption rate required to maintain Chakras
• Chakra Initiate - Bestows a pool of Serpent-Fire Ki. These Ki points are replenished alongside her normal Ki pool. (Currently)25 Serpentfire Ki points
• Chakra Mandala - Reduces Ki (normal & Kundalini) cost + consumption rate. Quarters or cancels backlash for failing to properly maintain her Chakras and cuts such things from other Ki abilities down to a 10th. Does not suffer Dazing visions, nor do her Chakras deactivate as they normally would for such a failure
• Chakra Mastery - Can gain the benefits of 2 Chakras with the spending of 1 Serpent-Fire Ki point(or 3 once the Crown Chakra has been opened) instead of paying to maintain each individually
• Clawing Gloom - Shares the effects of Dimming Aura, but instead of weakening normal light damage/effects, this aura lashes out at creatures that attack Lupara from within 10 feet to damage them for up to 16 points per hit
1. Partly Shadow of Moil
• Debilitating Barrage - When she strikes a creature with an unarmed attack, she can spend 3 ki points to cause them to gain vulnerability to 1 damage type of her choice, which lasts for 30 seconds. Should the creature have resistance to the chosen damage type, instead of gaining a vulnerability said resistance is suppressed for the duration. This cannot suppress immunities, and she cannot incite stacking levels of vulnerability with this (alone)
• Debilitating Blows - When Lupara hits with a Stunning Fist, the target acts as if entangled and affected by a level of exhaustion for 25 seconds after the stun ends. Lupara can spend ki points to add 6 seconds per point to these effects
• Delusion of Morality - Can alter her karma score at will, such as to handle objects, repel damage or max/minimize effects on her
• Devouring Arc Strike - Lupara can release chilling waves of energy. She can shoot out a wave of such in either a 30 foot cone or a 40 foot line that is 10 feet wide. Lupara has 2 free uses of this per day, but she can spend 8 ki points for each further use, and can also imbue the effects of any negative energy skills she possesses, such as her Undying Burst, into them for 5 ki points.
1. This counts as one of the attacks that still deals up to half it's damage on targets that closely avoid it, in this instance being within 4 feet of it.
• Dimensional Agility - Lupara possesses a limited awareness of the other side of teleportation used on/by her, enabling her to "pre-react" to anything on the other side. Bonus to maintaining concentration for teleportation effects. Ignores telep(-like effect) backlashes, such as being briefly unable to act
1. Ex - starting to punch someone she dislikes on the other side before the teleport has finished
• Dimming Aura - reduces light in a 20?foot radius burst per use. Creatures within or up to 5 feet from such an area have their Agility drop by 15 points, which lasts for 6 seconds after leaving the effective range. (Normal) radiant damage/effects that is fired in or through these areas are weakened
1. Gwishin, Mul
• Dragon Tail Slap - When attacking a creature she has damaged, Lupara can inflict a strike with intense knockback. She is treated as 2 size categories larger for overcoming any resistance the target may have to knockback or forced mov. The target takes bonus damage equal to the number of feet they are sent flying
• Dusk Saber - Lupara can emit spurs of eerie light from her body (such as from her limbs). These deal slashing, piercing, necrotic and radiant damage. By spending 5 ki points, Lupara can extend these by up to 12 feet
• Echoing Blows - Triples effect of Flurry of Blows
• Empty Body - can spend 4 ki to become invisible and gain 2 levels of resistance to all damage types save force damage. Can use another 4 to use the effects of ths Astral Projection spell without extra requirements, but only on herself/can't take other creatures with herexcept that other skill that says she can?
• Extort Truth - When she touches a creature (damage is not required), & if they fail to resist the effect (Lupara can tell if it succeeds or fails), by spending 1 ki point she can force them to divulge any info they know(/Yg terms: draw out data from the affected avatar). The affected target cannot refuse to divulge the requested info or answer evasively, but they are not required to provide info Lupara did not ask for
• Extract Aspects - When Lupara strikes a creature with a melee attack, she can analyze it, learning all of its stats, damage vuln, damage res, damage imm & condition imm. Should an analyzed creature miss her with an attack, she gains a high bonus to attack speed, accuracy & damage against said creature
• Eye of the Sun and Moon - Lupara can read & write all languages she has seen or heard
• Forbidden Revelation - By burning a use of Utterance, Lupara can spew a verbal torrent of primordial and eldritch knowledge at those around her. Victims are inflicted with the Fear and Confusion statuses, suffer penalties to attempting to resist things like spells or ki abilities and take up to 50 points of psychic damage
1. Name/idea from Apocryphal Lich Master
• Gloom Bolts - Lupara can choose to fire ki bolts in place of the (potential) damage of an Unarmed Strike, up to 150 feet away. These count as bludgeoning, necrotic and radiant for damage purposes, and auto-modify when striking an opponent that benefits from one. These bolts also receive the Martial Arts Agility bonus to damage that her Unarmed Strikes would normally receive. If Lupara spends a ki point, 1 bolt per point can be made explosive, bursting in a 5 foot radius from where they struck and inflicting up to a 4th of the potential damage
1. This can be used in place of any unarmed attack, including with things that increase them like Flurry of Blows
• Improved Critical
• Improved Disarm
• Improved Feint
• Insightful Fighting(discovered via Ritzle) - By observing another, Lupara builds up bonuses & a "predictive algorithm" against them over time. Allows her to apply the bonus damage a sneak attack would to her normal attacks
1. Due to her extensive time in Nazarick around its members, this can render her disproportionately dangerous against them should they come to blows
2. This can work through remote-viewing methods: (if she existed by that point) they (would've) also had her watching during the 8 Guild Invasion as another suprise should they have made it down to level 9
• Insightful Strike - Lupara is able to crit on creatures normally immune to them, such as Undead or Constructs
1. Lore: by being aware of, able to identify & strike the flow of energies that animate such beings/stress points in their body/etc
• Ki Diversity - Lupara knows how to channel her ki into new abilities. Can spend 1 ki point to:
1. Bone Crusher - Have the target take damage as if it was an Unarmed Strike when she trips, disarms or grapples them
2. Dim Mak - Execute Stunning Fist as a touch attack, with bonuses to overcome the Resistance stat
3. Mind of the Kensai - Imbue a single melee weapon/holdable object with the Ki Focus trait while she wields it. Amps effect of a true Ki Focus object
4. Wings of the Crane - Deflect Missiles/Arrows becomes an aoe defense. If she applies Snatch Arrows, she can have them all "flow" into her grasp, and use all with the Monk bonus of projectiles caught with Deflect Missiles. Works against a singular notably larger missile, such as from siege weaponry
5. Zen Combatant - Provides bonuses for all melee or ranged attacks in the next 30 seconds, and no longer counts as strength or dexterity for their use when going against skills that negatively scale off of those stats
• Ki Master - Basic ki techniques, such as Flurry of Blows or Step of the Wind, now cost zero ki to use
1. Bone Wizard
• Ki Pool - 100 ki points. A Ki Master can spend 1 ki point for one of the following effects:
1. Add a 25% bonus to the action attack rate of Flurry of Blows
2. Gain a +20 bonus to their agility for 6 seconds
3. Gain a dodge bonus for 6 seconds
• Learn From Failure - When she misses an attack or fails a research/knowledge-gaining attempt, she gains a bonus on her next attempts against the target. This bonus can only proc on any given subject once per 24 hours
• Light Imm
• Light Spirit - Enh Sacral flight: boosts the flight speed to triple her total land speed, and can be maintained for another 48 seconds after she closes her Chakras or deselects the Sacral Chakra
• Linguistic Superiority - As a Disciple of the Word, Lupara receives a high bonus to resist effects, damage, skills and other such that are reliant on language or sound
• Linked Chakras - Lupara can open multiple Chakras at once, and for the intitial go is only required to test to resist being overwhelmed by her highest opened Chakra. Can use this 3 times per day
• Lost Undead Vulnerability to Light because of Eclipsing Moon
• Magic Res II
• Measure Foe - By observation she can identify classes, stats & skills
• Meditation - can restore her ki pool by meditating for 10 minutes
1. This swifter method cannot restore Serpentfire Ki
• Mind of Mercury - Via mental aptitude & pattern recognition, Lupara can build a "predictive algorithim" against her targets. By spending ki points, she can enhance this algorithim & her action rate against her target
1. Stacks with Insightful Fighting
• Mystery of Unblinking Flame
1. Passive bonus to agility
2. If grappled, can freely deal light and necrotic damage to her aggressor
3. 5 times per day, she can transform herself into a thing of "false light." She gains Freedom of Movement, and can move through spaces near/occupied by other creatures without triggering reactive skills & deals intense light and necrotic dmaage to those she closes in on in said way. She can move, attack & act as a Spirit and an Ooze in this state, such as sliding through small openings and Reforming
• Mystic Lore - Bonus to identify spells, ki abilities & similar "mystic" skills/effects. Does not suffer a penalty to these for having never seen the ability/effect before
• Mystic Wisdom - Lupara can choose to have her Monk-type class skills affect any &/or all allies within 30 feet as if they possessed them. Abilities that require ki for Lupara still require her to burn the normal amount of points to trigger
• Mystical Erudition - Lupara has high bonuses to actions involving arcana, history, investigation, nature & religion, such as attempting to decode an encrypted text, identify artifacts/flora/fauna, learn the fine points of an opponents magic capacity & related skills or predict, identify & be better able to avoid supernatural abilities, such as of magical beasts
• One With the Universe - Lupara can burn one use of Utterance to apply the privileges of a Power Word to a ki ability
• Overturn - Lupara can grant herself any 3 Res III she chooses. Can direct 2 to form imm while the 3rd remains as res, or all 3 for 1 temporary true imm
1. Can add to her own res & imm to improve
2. If she uses this to gain the 1 true imm, after it's time runs out she loses the ability to use Overturn for the next 5 hours
• Perfect Self - Lupara's ki pool can never fall below 4 points. She becomes/can choose to count as an Outsider instead of an Undead creature type, gains Damage Reduction 10 and can still benefit normally from ressurection
• Photometabolize - While Lupara has ki, she has a variant of the Recover By Light skill with the bonus of Regen
1. Alt:Eclipsing Moon modifies and expands her Recover By Light skill, so it can work on ambient light, particularly sun and moonlight?, and it's healing rate/intensity is decided by how dim or bright said light is, with bright sunlight, bright moonlight and light-attacks/spells counting as Greater Recover
• Rapid Planning - A Sensei learns how to rapidly come up with a battle plan. By taking a few seconds to observe an area, Lupara can grant a variety of bonuses to her allies. 1st, she can mark a 100-foot radius area as an Advantageous Battleground for 10 minutes per Monk-type class level, which grants bonuses to her allies defensive & offensive stats & abilities while upon it. She can instill up to 5 benefits from the following list to further enhance her allies while they are within the marked area; tactics that:
1. Increase defensive stats/skills even further
2. Increase speed and attack action rate
3. Can auto-correct their stance, such as from being knocked prone or after attacking
4. Reduce inflicted or environmental penalties to using items, such as if affected by a spell or in a magnetic area that would penalize use of metal weapons & armor
5. Gain bonuses to landing attacks when aiding another ally, & amplify any normal bonuses of said aid
6. Bonus to resist and overcome behavioral disturbance & mind affecting
7. Bonus to damage
8. Can ignore any difficult terrain in the marked area
9. Bonus to landing attacks
10. Bonuses to attack enemies not facing them
• Restrained Coil - Imm to ki stealing/drain & Life Drain-type effects. While she has ki, Lupara is immune to any affect that would alter her form
• Pressuring Strikes? - Can inflict the bonus damage of Sneak Attack while using Flurry of Blows
• Psychic Dam Res V
• Searing Eigengrau - Lupara can throw a flare of eerie light to a point within 50 feet of herself. Amy creature within 10 feet of that point is at risk of being blinded, and can take up to 15 points of ability damage. Once per day skill, but Lupara can spend 5 ki points per further uses.
• Solo Tactics - Lupara can benefit from her own teamwork-support style skills as if her in-range allies possessed them when they're within said range
• Stronger Healing - When Lupara regains hp from any source, she also gets bonus hp based on her Ki Master classes
• Studied Ally - By observing an ally, Lupara can build up bonuses when acting to aid them. These bonuses apply to both Lupara & her ally
• Teamwork Feat
• Tongue of the Sun and Moon - Can speak with any living creature
1. Switch with Truespeech?
• Utterance - Lupara can speak lesser Power Words. Some of the differences between Power Words and typical spells is that they don't feed into and ignore things like Recover By _ skills/effects, ignores half of Damage Reduction that's aimed against said Power Word's effect, cannot be silenced. 10 per day - 25 second cooldown
1. Decay - deals 40 necrotic damage to a single target
2. Incarnation - "Amends" the targets True Name, which results in them counting as having a second creature type, such as Elemental, Angel or Demon, added to them for 24 hours, thus opening them up to things that would affect said type. The target also gains 1 level of Magic Res?
3. Nurture - Heals 50 hp to a single target.
4. Shockwave - Can deal up to 45 points of thunder or bludgeoning damage. Lupara can also choose to make it lethal or non-lethal
5. Summon Moigno - an option gained from er erudite build + Serpentfire Ki Adept《 Dungeon Dad/Realm of Adventure wiki
6. Weaken - Reduces a single stat
• Volley Spell - Bonus to Deflect Spells. If a spell fails to overcome this, her mag def &/or other magic counters(e.g. Obsid Soul), she can redirect it at another of her choosing
• Walk with the Master - if she has at least 10 ki points, Lupara can travel as if using Ethereal Jaunt, Ghost Step(no damage), Plane Shift, Shadow Walk(without the randomized shift from the desired endpoint) & Smoke Walk. At-will Abundant Step & Step of the Wind for no extra ki points
• Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monks
• Weightless Wanderer - Can glide. Can Air Walk up to 100 feet per "fall" after she stops gliding. Doesn't take fall damage. Can ignore gravity effects - not damage. Can choose to "slam" targets she falls into/on, damage scaling to distance fallen《 (Greater)Subjective Slam. Subjective Mobility?
• Wholeness of Body - Lupara can heal herself by spending 20 ki points to recover hp equal to her Monk level
• Wisdom of War - Bonuses to attacking, combative insights & combat maneuvers. She can add her wisdom modifier & her dexterity modifier as a speed bonus to launch attacks/combat initiative

(Ex's of)Ki Abilities - refer to Unchained Monk & Qinggong Monk, maybe Ninja Tricks too, for the list - ex: Deadly Juggernaut/gmbinder danku1122 Way of the Iron Fist?
• Cold Iron Fist - An anti-magic technnique, not only to defend against magic but to restrict its usage in those struck by it
• Collapsing River - Amplifies ongoing damage &/or the effects of negative statuses on targets within range. Ex: poisoned
• Elusive Redirection - Should Lupara completely avoid damage from an attack, at that moment she can spend a ki point to redirect the attack back against said attacker or towards any other opponent adjacent to herself & her attacker
• Flurry of Blows - Spend a ki point to briefly double melee attack action rate
• Gaze Reflection
• Healing
• Imperious Dragon-Thunder Decree - Able to control others with her voice. Not a mind-affecting ability, so ignores imm/res to such things. For those it can't control, it can (usually) still be used to disrupt & weaken actions of her target, such as attacks or abilities. Requires a continuous drain on her ki pool as it works
• Iron Skin
• Ki Blocker - With greater cost, this can also shut down/block off things like skill uses & mp
• Ki Bolt - can fire a blast that does force damage
1. With her specialization, she can fire up to 10 per ki point
• Natural Steel Weapon
• Nei Jing
• Ogre's Sword - A kick/unarmed melee strikes?with immense slashing power. Ignores 3 levels of slashing res
• Palm of the Puppeteer
• Remnants of the Fallen - With a ki point, Lupara can inspect the memories of a corpse that's been dead for less than 24 hours, either seeing the last 10 minutes of their life or a single memory
1. Limited to Undead Monk classes
• Saiya Dragon - A physical enhancement technique, augmenting the users size, durability, speed & strength
1. From Sakigake
2. Vastly prefers to use as a buff for others instead of using on herself, due to the swollen "hyper muscle" appearance it causes
• Slow Fall
• Spirit Drain - By striking a target, she can inflict a "spiritual poison" state that causes them to take continous necrotic damage
• Spiteful Cobra - If exposed to a toxin, Lupara can use 1 ki to infuse it through her body, adding it to her physical attacks
• Stunning Shout - from Red Avenger class

Main Equipment
• Cursed Claws - claw sheathes of glazed clay. Bestows the Cursed Wound skill, similar to a Clay Golem
• Deformity, Warded Skin - Protects against holy effects and damage
• Demon Fever?/Grave Pox(《 Nachzehrer) disease - infused into a wax-filled pot which she crushes into powder when needed - generally either dusts her claws or throws into targets face
• Dragonbound Sash: Tor Linnorm
1. Architect of Flame - Tor Linnorms can manipulate fire spells/skills/effects that occur within or enter a 200-foot radius around itself, such as redirecting, reshaping, or even seemingly "paralyzing" them in place and setting them off at a time of it's choosing. This even extends to environmental effects, such as amplifying the intensity of a forest fire or sending a wave of lava at it's opponents
2. Ashen Breath - Can spew a 70 foot cone of flame and ash which can deal up to 120 points of fire damage. Afterwards, the area affected by the breath weapon is covered in thick, scorching smoke that burns both the lungs and eyes, dealing up to 60 points of fire damage, interfering with breathing(suffocation damage) and making it more difficult to do actions that rely on one's voice, such as spellcasting. The smoke lasts for 3 minutes, though that time can be reduced by strong winds, decided by the intensity of said winds. Ashen Breath randomly recharges within 6 to to 24 seconds.
3. Burn
4. Curse Imm
5. Dessicating Strike - A Tor Linnorm's melee attacks also inflict bonus Dessication damage
6. Fire-Branch Affinity - Tor Linnorms can breath, see through, move and otherwise act completely unhindered through all fire sub-type elements and effects based in them
7. Fire-Branch Immunity - Tor Linnorms are immune not only to fire, but all of it's sub-element variations, such as lava, smoke, heat, ashes and so on
8. Freedom of Movement
9. Greater Recover by Fire(-Subtypes)
10. Heat
11. Heat Pulse - not sure if aoe blast or Kumo Desu-style physical enhancer
12. Linnorm Death Curse: Tor
13. Paralysis Imm
14. Regeneration - stronger than a Trolls, temporarily suppressed by cold iron
15. Region Claiming?
16. Scorching Press - see Grievous
17. Sleep Imm
18. Superior Flight
19. Tor Linnorm Venom - deals up to 48 points of fire damage and Ability Drain. It does run the risk of latching onto the target as a status condition in the same manner as Poison, and if it manages to, the potential damage jumps up to 72 every time it procs and an even more severe Ability Drain while it lasts
20. Truesight
21. Violent/Boiling? Outburst -
22. Volcanic Grilling/Hellish Kitchen? - By devouring naturally flammable materials that they have been lit ablaze, such as a burning tree, Tor Linnorms can restore their stamina and hp
• Grateful Dead - A pair of clawed gauntlets. Divine Class Artifact. Check Skorne Morghoul &/or Ogre Gun Smoke for possible designs
1. Blood Draught (《 D&DTools Blood Magus skill) - Using Charnel Sorcery, Lupara can can store up to 3rd tier spells in blood, which act as potions
2. Claws can grow to extend her reach by up to 3 feet. Able to rapidly extend & retract for a swift stinger attack
3. Charnel Sorcery - Lupara can burn the hp stored by the Grateful Dead's Mastabic Grasp ability to cast Blood Magic(see D&D Unleashed + GMBinder for examples of) spells, and can choose to burn more than necessary to enhance these spells. Examples, mostly from D&D Unleashed - Agonize/Bend Blood/Grim Terror/Carnage Blast/Infuse Blood/Hemorrhage/Blood to Flame - has damage variants listed/Blood Boil/Gore Strike/Blood Extraction - sim-lesser version of Shalltear ability/Hemokinesis - described as "Weekend at Bernies spell"/Blood Reading/Heartbreak. Ref to Blood Kineticist for several further ideas? Dread Strike - burns hp to add non-type damage to her blows. Eiji-kun Blood Feast homebrew
4. Dessicating Burst - When active, inflicts (extra) dessication damage as a touch attack, and a further bonus against plant & water(-subtype) elementals. Dessication damage amplifies during a critical hit
5. Ignores 4 levels of Slashing & Piercing Res
6. Impervious - nullifies need for upkeep & greatly increases durability. Gains Damage Threshold 60. The gauntlets can be used as shields to block damage
7. Invigorating
8. Ki Focus
9. Mastabic Grasp (from Mastaba)(may be grand enough to take up two slots in a Divine class gearor maybe the pre-existing need for Charnel Sorcery covers that) - When Lupara chooses, the Grateful Dead are able to absorb hp upon touching their victim, which they can store. Lupara can use this stolen life in place of her own, such as for abilities that require the expense of hp, more basically to burn the hp stored in Grateful Dead in place of her own to negate damage, or even to repair the Grateful Dead. In the new world, this effect sucks up blood from its victims as a cosmetic effect, although this isn't necessary for the skill
10. Scarification (《D&DTools Blood Magus skill) - While wearing these & having hp to perform blood magic, Lupara can use living beings as "platforms" on which to perform ritual spells. This is done by deeply scratching them with the claws to inscribe the spell.
• Lunar Crown - Enables use of moon-based/reliant skills and effects within 120 feet for Lupara and allies. Can use Moonbeam and maintain up to 3 at once which she can move
• Lunar Gaze - A white silver faceplate. Lunar Vision? Lunar Devil skills? Allows her to teleport to anywhere within her line of sight without cooldown. If she attempts to teleport outside said limit, the item will enter a cooldown
• Moonstalker Leggings - Item made from the corpse of the boss the Reliquiae came from. Boost the effects of the Reliquiae of the Moonlit Scion, and the wearer can create a 10 foot aura around themselves of eerie moonlight that imposes a 20% miss chance for things aimed at her
• Reliquiae of the Moonlit Scion 《 for Jaeger Sixth design - Event item, lore being cloth made from its corpse. Armor-like durability without counting as armor. Can use a Perfect Unknowable effect at night. Can grant a stat boost under moonlight. Reflects light and darkness skills/spells. Once per night, it can engulf the user, the sleeves & leggings forming claws, the back stretching into a pronged tail while the users head is engulfed in a "silhouette of fangs," boosting stats & granting/enhancing natural weapons. This form can stack stats & effects with equipment similar to its bestial shape - gauntlets/greaves/etc
1. Inspired by Sunbreak Luscent Nargacuga
2. Ki Intensifying - Amps effects/dam of ki-fueled attacks
• Rings of:
1. Anti-Summoning Shield - dispels or weakens summons that come within 20 feet of her
2. The Earth-born - Bestows bonuses to earth-type creatures, and slightly more when the user is on or under earth. Prevents forceful ejection of Earth Glide users
3. Freedom - Protects from temporal attacks and effects designed to impede it's freedom of movement
4. Iron Heart -
5. Ki Harmonization - Stabilizes, reinforces and amplifies Ki abilities. Wears 3
6. Ki Harmonization
7. Negative Energy Storage - Able to store negative energy near Lupara and release it for several possible effects, such as burst healing to its Undead user, as either an indepentant attack of necrotic energy or to amplify negative energy effects
8. Selene - Amplifies the benefits of Lunar-type/reliant skills and effects. Lupara can choose to apply this to herself or another creature within 60 feet
9. Stalking - Lupara can study a creature within 60 feet and her line of sight, and for every second devoted to this she can add a point to the potential damage limit of a single strike on the target, up to 50. If she moves more then 60 feet away from them, attacks a different creature or begins studying another target, the bonus is lost
10. Telluric - Improves ki recovery and reduces ki cost
• Robes of Stars kimono?konalood Tsukumo Sana?
• Scholar's Degree - her intelligence-type classes boost scroll effectiveness to 65%
• Scrolls
• Spirit Master: Ki Master, Sukshma Sarira - Amplifies the effects of Ki abilities. Can act as an independent ki master able to use ki abilities from the Ki Master: Spiritual list. The 'Sukshma Sarira: name indicates a special variant that also improves Serpentfire Ki
• Wormtail Belt - A belt crafted from a Purple Worm. Can be animated to project a stinger-tipped tendril which also inflicts poison dam. Enhances her Unarmored Defense

• Has a group of Kurobozu & Ascetic Dead, Kashinkoji?& Fuma? as her soldiers/students(according to her/their lore). Probably live in rooms attached to the dojo
1. Alt option - Graffiti-Kingdom Seishin: A special event summon race?/A super species of the Undead Shadows?/Nightshades?- see Creature Ideas below for info/special construct?
2. Mirror Mephits?- reskin Simulacrum as a racial skill
Rosario - A necromantic Superior Dragon Golem/Necrocraft derived from Dragons, a later result of experiments with "necromantic crafting" & Flesh Golems which was given to her as a mount & pet. Use abilities from Dragonhide Golem, Dragonflesh Golem, Necromantic Golem & Necrocraft to assemble this undead abomination. Posters idea:
1. Appearance - Overall similar to a white dragon, though with wrong proportions(other then it's massive size). Neck's too short & thick, torso & limbs(especially forearms and hands) are far too bulky - Dragonflesh Abomination is a kind of example/See Black Clover ice monster for ex. Solid red eyes. The Full-Body Scales give it a look of overlapping triangular shard: Warhammer Shard Dragon
• Primarily formed from a fire dragons body - Fire Imm. Has a fire breath attack imbued with negative energy, similar to Undying Flame/Undead Flame. Limited & instinctive capacity to use Control Flame & Pyrotechnics as at-will skills
1. Brutalizing Tail - Later part of tail is covered in overlapping plates/especially thick mass of scales which can raise to reveal?/a club-like mass made from?Wyvern stingers, which injects poison with a chance to instant kill victims
2. Full-Body Scales - Encased in a thick layer of Frost dragon scales: immune to (it's primary bodies weakness to)cold & ice
3. Immutable Form
• Draconic Presence
• Dragon-Like Senses
• Elemental Burst - can release bursts of acid/cold, fire or wind, either in an aoe attack from its body or in a more focused manner, like (Lupara ordering it to) infusing to strikes/release from it's body in a 10 foot radius or loose in a 30 foot burst centered on a natural attack?Jotun Paragon Elemental Blast
• Enervation Ray - A cone of intense negative energy from its mouth. Inflicts necrotic damage & ability drain
• False Hydra - Rosario has 2 additional (similarly necrotic imbued)breath weapons, cold/acid?& wind. Should Rosario lose it's head, 3 malformed serpentine heads uncoil from the stump, able to use it's fire, cold/acid?, wind & Enervation Ray, although the last might be reduced to lines instead of a cone unless all 3 refocus it down one head. Allows continual bonus to damage on creatures seized in the jaws of the normal head
• Fire Imm
• Heavy Fortification - 75% chance to ignore bonus damage of (crit immunity bypassing) crits and crit-like effects
• Necromantic Aura - The beast projects an aura of negative energy, constantly healing itself & nearby undead while threatening living victims
• Necrotic Fog - Rosario can release a wide range mist of negative energy. Too light to damage, but interferes with skills/spells that detect undead
• Recover By Electricity
• Reinforced - Bonus to defense, res & hp. Heightened resistance to loss of pieces/limbs
• Semi-Magic Immunity - Being a high-tier golem-like construct crafted from Dragons, the beast has immunity to magic tier 5 or lower & (rather high?) resistance to anything higher
• Siege Monster
• Size Category Gargantuan - can store Undead of smaller sizes in its stomach to vomit them up later
• Slave Mind - As mindless as a typical Golem, and bound to follow Lupara's orders. Immune to behavioral disturbance, mind-affecting and similar effects
• Unenchanted Attack Imm

• Bracers of
1. Anti-Summoning Shield
2. Freedom
3. Missile Retaliation - When struck by a line, cone, ray or aoe spell, part of it is bled off, which slightly reduces the damage, as a trio of Magic Arrows which seek out the offendee
4. Necrotic Nuke - On his tail. By slamming the relevant limb into something, Rosario can release a large blast of necrotic and bludgeoning damage
5. Nuclear Blasting - Rosario can set off Nuclear Blasts within his line of sight
• Breastplate of Protection From Arrows - Heightened over a typical use of the spell
• Choker of Lunacy - Can gain the benefits of Berserk while under a Moonlit sky
• Cursed Claws - Same as Lupara's

3 companions beasts with Rosario - Ashborn Phoenix Anqa's: Ambrosia, Alvarada and Rodolpha
1. Combined Undead Phoenix & Ash Phoenix
2. Lv 87 cash shop monsters - divine beasts
3. Possible designs - DJVictory Phoenix 》Teen Wolf Next Gen fanon Phoenix/Cronos' Kid 幻羊 Thunderbird/AmyJoVampireGirl Blue Phoenix
• Aero-Dynamics - Wind limited equivalent of Adaptive Dynamics
• Ash-Maker Talons - Claw strikes inflict damage and destroy as per Disintegrate & (Grievous') Rapacious Rusting
• Behavioral Disturbance Res V
• Bilious Aura - Living creatures within 35 feet can't regain hp & take penalties to their Phy Def & Res stats
• Blackened Embers - Fire within 600 feet inflicts half-again it's damage in necrotic. Halves fire damage to Undead. This effect remains so long as the affected fires do after even the Anqa has left
• Charming Countenance - Affects creatures that can see the Ashborn. Behavioral Disturbance, not mind-affecting. If successful, the creature acts as if Stunned ("awed by the Anqa"), maintaining this up until the Anqa leaves their sight or strikes them. After said strike, the victim behaves as if charmed until struck again or the effect is broken
• Cindersight
• Darkvision
• Deadly Cunning - Bonus to land attacks, spot & track victims, detect traps & things of that nature. Can build a limited predictive algorithim by observing its victims
• Deathless Kin - Possesses Undead resistancws & immunities. Regarded as Undead by other Undead, and so will not be attacked by mindless Undead without the control of another
• Decaying Bite - piercing & necrotic damage. Victim may be cursed with Perpetual Decay: can't regain hp nor recover stamina/from exhaustion with rest
• Dessication Imm
• Dreadful Glare - inflicts fear on those the Anqa can see. Not mind-affecting
• Drinking is Unnecessary
• Drought Aura - inflicts fire, dessication/dehydration & necrotic damage on creatures within 10 feet. Can passively destroy water, ice and similar things
• Eating & Breathing are Unnecessary - for several hours after exposure to negative energy
• Evasion
• Flyby - Flight-limited variant of Mobile
• Fogsight
• Ghost Eater - Acts as Ghostbane, has bonuses to landing attacks on Ghosts, Wraiths and other Undead with the Incorporeal trait, and such creatures aren't immune nor recover from the Necrotic damage of an Anqa's attacks. When am Anqa kills such a creature, they gain temporary hp equal to the victims level
1. Fleshspurned
2. Also applies to living spirits traveling outside their body, such as by Astral Projection or Magic Jar
• Graven Cry - 130-foot cone breath weapon. Thunder, necrotic & dessication/dehydration damage - each hits separately by the highest damage inflicted: i.e. if one damage type strikes a target weak to it, the other two raise to match. Carries the affect of Bilious Aura? May Charm creatures that hear it?
• Ice Res III
• Keen Eye
• Ethereal Vision
• Eternal Unlife - if slain, the Ashborn returns to life at full hp & with full skill uses after 20 hours from the "ashes of their initial death"?
1. Said Ashes are naturally within Nazarick
• Legendary Resistance
• Life Hunger - If a creature within 60 feet of an Ashborn Phoenix regains hit points, the monster gains bonuses to landing attacks, and its attacks can deal up to an extra 40 points of necrotic damage on a hit
• Magic Res V
• Negative Energy Affinity - not Undead, but affected by positive & negative energy as if one.
• Regen - temp stopped by good & pos en. Recovers from transm-transf effects
• Ripper/Befall?Frenzy?- Boosts attack action rate. Bonus to rend, inflic chance & damage
• See Inv
• Sound Mimicry
• Spell-Like Skills. Fire dam inflict half-again in bonus necrotic damage
1. At will - Air Walk. Death Knell?, Mythic? Fireball, Greater. Freedom of Mov. Shatter. Sirocco
2. 15 per day - Cloudkill. Dispel Good. Ennervation. Mass Summon Swarm - Carrionstorm/Shadow Bird. Quickened True Strike? Ray of Exhaustion. Scorching Ray - up to 5 beams. Shield?
3. 6 - Gr Dispel Magic. Iron Body?/Stoneskin?
4. 3 per day - Eyebite? Firestorm? Mass Inflict Critical Wound/Gr Lethal? Waves of Fatigue
• Thunder Imm
• True Fire Imm
• True Necrotic Imm
• Unenchanted Attack Res III
• Wind of Decay - from wings &/or tailfeathers. Bludgeoning-Slam & Necrotic damage. Victim may be cursed with Tomb Rot: can't regain hp, lose 10 max hp every 24 hours & turn to dust when max hits 0.
1. Rotting Wind undead
• Wind Res V

• Band of Perfect Unknowable
• Band of Dimensional Move
• Beast Master Helm - Armor. Enables Lupara to remotely communicate with them and share their senses. Shares her skills that protect against mind-affecting and similar things as well as any sensory skills
• Bejeweled Breastplate - Armor. Encrusted jewels with magic abilities. 3 uses per day per jewel
1. Blindness-Deafness
2. Chain Dragon Lightning
3. Contagious Flame
4. Desecrate?/Energy Drain?
5. Meteor Swarm
6. Quickened Control Weather
7. Reverse Gravity
• Choker of Freedom
• Cursed Claws - same as Lupara's

Alt daughter designs/ideas
• Luzhikari/Imagirium Lightwarden Despair
1. Gravity specialist?《 perhaps consider Ben Whitelock EIKON - Goddess of Darkness as an elemental alt?
• Orh_Ru/Reve_ory sineaterwol Forgiven Solitude
1. A monk type. Trains under Sebas, Yuri and Cocytus, primarily using her tail and legs? Tail was specialized to exceed normal Divine Class weaponry?mis-saw tail, is actually holding sword, thought it was a hollowed orb-cage-like structure tipped with a spike. Maintain stinger/striker tail idea?
• Ace Enkhutar Sin Eaters - The Seven Deadly Sins: particularly Pride, Gluttony & Greed
1. A swordswoman, perhaps a faith based Spellblade?-Spellsword Paladin?
• nightmaretheif Sin Eater Vieira/AuRa
1. Maybe the centauric body (option?) was gained as part of a quest, could have been applied to players too. Something akin to a Powered Suit, though of a different nature
• Blazemalefica sineaterwol/Aerios3
1. Another "centauric beast body" type
• Bugita/BUGI_ride(- apparently oc of twitter/nitter TT_ride/turtle_ride) Melubil - gray skin, black hair, large forearms & hands. Flesh Golem?

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.