The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

cp- A.t vsgaws DRY GOODS. M1EAP c1 Valtimok Have this morr.inir received irom Aueuon ami ncr a larse aru 1. v. SOLIIW it'll A iso. from recent impori.ii.ions.

lanetia, ite tne im- rr-vnuert stwes ol brocade, Cordeu, piaul DRKfSSU.KS. The inv irf ot their friends. PUCE ON LY. r5 KALTiMl'Kh l- ESTEK I- Ihi i i. nsr Sinrp, orfer for ssle he I-iract and Mi" Tid SQUARE st.v-K 01 ay riaie vted I PRICE ONE CENT.

BALTIMORE, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1852. ent Amen iM Wl.s in The Clrv. NRH rritr VOL. XXXI. NO.

148. cani Premium! and 'Ensiish BLANKETS, iromoue vita a compete asso'tment ol FUNNELS, DK1-SS bOOiit, Slc, cn tne nal Intercourse with Japan. One of the pas FOR SALE AND REKT. 11- THE SUN. te-m.

ow price DELAWARE. Fierce. Scott. 4S3 212 2S0 361 rpct-ived from IN L' CIlllH Inst PK1 sengers by the Pacific, last week, was the Hon. Humphrey Marshall, who has been appointed commissioner to China, with a view of opening a more free and unshackled commercial intercourse Counties.

New Castle-. Sussex Kent a iotV.f very cheap 1' RESS GOOlS; heavy tyiminnl Court. Before Judge Stump. Charles J. M.

winn, Attorney for the State, prosecuting The following business occupied yesterday: The case ol Edward King, indicted for burglary, was removed ou affidavit to the County Circuit Couit. Charles Ehrman, charged with assaulting Jacob Keilholtz on the day of election, was brought la on a bench warrant, and held In $200 bail to answer. Owen Shields, indicted for the manslaughter of John Gregory, was put upon bis trial Messrs. Preston and McLaughlin appearing for the defence. The following jury were selected and sworn to try the issue: Messrs.

James Turner, Robert M. Hill, J. F. C. Hadel, Daniel O'Neal, Washington Head, Robert T.

Smith, Joshua Atkinson, Joshua co*ckey, George W. Scarff, Michael Caughey, John O'Donnell and John J. Frisby. This cae was lully reported in the Sun, at the ime of the transaction, a brief synopsis of the testimony will therefore only be necessary now. The jury was charged in due form the prisoner being charged with stabbing the deceased in the belly so as to cause his death.

Mr. Gwinn stated the facts he expected to prove on the part of the State, and the witnesses lor the prosecution were called. John McKeever testified that he knew John Gregory he married witness' sister. On the night of the occurrence he was in company with Owen Shields and John Gregory at the house of John Ward, on North street, between Bath and Pleasant streets, where a dance was going on. Gregory and Shields had some difficulty at this house, and about 11 o'clock he left the house in company with Gregory and Patrick Constantine went up Bath to French, thence to High street, and went into a drinking house.

Afier getting something: to drink, they came out and went up to French and Exeter streets, Shields and a party having passed the house whilst they wt'te in there. Consiantine had a watermelon, which ho let fall, and at thi place first saw Shields 172 232 Affairs in Ireland. Pauperism continues to decrease throughout the country. Some of the poor houses in the agricultural districts have scarcely any inmates besides those lunatic or in-cura'ily diseased and infirm. Business seems to be greatly improving.

The duties on articles consumed iu the quarter ending the are nearlv in excess of the TKES1DESTIAL ELECTION EETL'RSS. OSl KIR A Bl lLUiN'i LOT IN pay XZOU able tnir.sfaHnioi'tsof 52 a month. 1 ha rapid sale of the HOMESTEAD 'TS, and the many sub-startial linproverrenta alreaJy erected, prove that their unexampled low price, easy mod-3 of pajni nt, and eligi'ile situation, are spprr ented. whne elosa proxinutv to the Avenue, bcTond douht imir.cGse future value. Everj ta- with that empire.

How far hf.vill sucreed in the present distracted state of the country it is not Pierce's mcjority 30. NORTH CASOLISA. Petebsbuko, Nov. 6. We now have full re-f iVorth Carolina, which We give, as a matter of record, such additional i election returns as reached us yesterday: i STATE OP MAHTLAXD.

pasy to foresee. The Japan expedition was on the point of sailing; and it is very possible that our astute brethren on the other side nf the Atlantic The Irish Bank returns are show a steady WMr gain as compared with the same periou last year. deem this an opnortune moment, to have an envnv ANNE ABUSDEL COUMTY. miiy at once procure a freehold while the op- i portstnity prt-senis Plan? and cxp'atntion tlie oiice, No. 1 FAVETTE J'.

ro-St JOHN FOX, Sec. vote at the last Governor's election, when Reid, also equally indicative of increasinr prosperity Sdk; Mous. oe Lames: Casr.nrec Memoes: i.ani-poor aud other Good--, bougnt at at ou. hu 1 prior, wil be so a ordmffly Crspe Cashmere sad LonsShswls. ete gooua.

Bi-tf 1 KtBT. OR YE. 67 Ha to.t i- i iU 'bu i.o'Ths. a -BARTHGL TIFF A ti irS imob emt. are penm, this any, extra saperfme e.i-r.

Njerm'fR- ci.ion. Hothic stj'eF. for shauerioh iioas-enaam Person Uv.r.e," mtnejartl Fremium TwSh bLNKK-S f.Ld KI.AN E1, in every cradf Hamilton' Vlarjie. 50 c-ises iandiiig .1 Sip. Et-n 1 President Ihe increase ol circulation is to the enormous was elected bv a maiority of 5,491.

In the in China, to co-operate with the lorce in the adjoining country. English paper. Scot'(l6J-) Tieroe. Taylor(lSlS)Cas 1ST 173 Roman Excavation. The Roman Journal, of (Srv Cl.l VfKY PLACE KOK A 11-- l- 3 1 LES L' THr: ol.U KD.f.R: i SArOaIK ADJOIXIMi THE (ilJ-l--- I Pistricts.

Annapolis- lst Dist 2d 3d 41 5th SI 107 Ml 269 the 13th ultimo, states that the Pope has ordered the continuation of the excavation commenced at the Roman Forum, particularly at the ruins of the Temple of Caster, and cn the hill of the Capi- 19S 152 159 71 123 105 i 149 130 IIS 291 186 120 S63 849 175 110 130 92 24 718 itoi, ior tne purpose 01 ascertaining 11 tney he net extent of 367,000, as compared with the period of last year. There is also an increase of nearly 750,000. The late Rev- Eucrene M'Namara, a Roman Catholic clergyman, and a native of Clare, lately died in Paris, worth about 48,000 It is stated that 100,000 head of sheep and black cattle have been purchased at the great Scottish fairs for transportation to Ireland. Peter Harvey. Much curiosity has been expressed as to the Peter Harvey whom Mr.

Webster on his death-bed entreated not to leave him to the last. The N. Y. Tribmie says: 'We understand that he is a nuiet merchant of Total. NIC icmdiuit Ul LUC cuiuw: IcU LV U11US Ccesar under the name of Julia.

These excava LOOK OUT, l.OOiv ll 4 cents a yard f-r wide 6t Mact IZk rts: Kaok He Lames cry, Tat C'otns 1 ii all woo; UJ: Casmeis 12: C'Wmers 5 cts: large Eiarket Shtwls irom ls eta to as a piece; chaneeable Alpaca 12 cts; large si 7 ares itv. iv DWELLING, with f-ur rnoma. Has runn.iiS water i it, and wo'i suit a Marker. Gr.raener.. to W.

l'ti 5 milts on ihe o'd redencKoad Price Jab Fok SALE An established CHINA AND 3 QU EEN sVA blSLNEfS. in tae town ol Kaviu? no oppoiuion, anl now do an excellent cash business. To a ol jtvod LU5ir.e?s habi-s the terms ol payment wou Le iraor) aeoonmuMta-ln. The Sjock miounts tosbout For Drticular app to at RiihtfS, DALb 41 ouTh ChaVes Pierce's majotity 63. 16 oc*nties heard from the vote stands as follows: Pierce, 11102; Scott, 5,705.

Pierce's majority, The same counties, in August, pave Reid 6,340 majority; showing a Whig gain of 943. The whole number of counties in the State is 73. KENTUCKY AMI TESSESEE. Fittsburg, Nov. 5.

The returns from these two States are looked for with much interest, but so close does the vote run that the result, in both is still involved io doubt. The democrats expect lare gains in Tennessee in Gentry's district, which thev think will give them ihe State, but the whigs are equally confident of success. It is grnerallv believed that Kentucky has gone for Pierce, but sufficient returns have not yet been received to form a positive opinion. Indianapolis, Nov. 5.

The Sentinel has returns from 17 counties, in which Pierce has 29S5 tions will serve to explain the old classic authors. CARROLL COUNTY. President. Roman and foreign savans repair every day to that interesting spot to admire the ruins already un rce. Taylor(l5lCas6.

fit cts. up: Rrd Post Store $-kI rtton covered. Ml M4 373 Irish Linen from 2t ets Shi. ting trtripe bi cts; yard wide cts. i 1 list received from suction a treBienaous stock 208 1S1 142 f-S 3ti2 245! 100 134 25S 75 2t2 FOR SLK OR KENT That SHbsta'inai.

S-y weil built ti-rce-s'orr DWELLING, No. I Yu Vi (street, wttU siu ard sr eked with choice bullions Pmt t'niontown Myers' Woolerj 's. Freedora P.Iancl-.ester.. Wc s'minster HampsUad Frank! iu Middlcburg. rX)ts, ar.turuir oi a mfsi ior i 79 103 23i 89 252 S3 15 120 1703 201 1S2 4 423 279 16t5 ICS 63 1319 cf Drt Gooils, to be sold at iaUv vT'ees.

Comet" A. HUH a S. Lexinetor. street. 2 doors Eat ol Pearl St.

Don't Ibreet Red Posts in Iront. B. To be soli in ttw ho rsaie Departmeut, a lsrse asrtmer.t of goods at hail their by thf 73 164 tiioroiutiif repaired, wita an aunu oi acoiu- The Guano Business. The sloop Manlius, of Boston, was recently ordered off from the Lobos Islands. Intelligence has reached Boston, stating that the government of Peru, on being made aware of this, sent orders to Cailao to orier a charter party to her on her arrival, which has been done and accepted, to load at Chincha.

It is also stated that the same course will be pursued with all the other Lobos vessels. This action of the Peruvian government shows a liberality and kindness that should not be forgotten in a final settlement of this unfortunate business. md hTita-bousri. For apply to r. Maurkk.

170 96 majority- The remaining counties will increase new district, i it to probably 15,000. Si Mulberry street, or to BAM K.OO I u'aw street, Le Mai krt. csi'-eoac rl-6t tne ne.res!f!. Total 1763 1672 i STORE TO RvNi the of -'iand Pleasant streets. It is a very au tab.e Boston a great admirer of Mr.

Webster, and reputed to have been useful to him in his former pecuniary necessities. He is the person through whom Mr. W. is reported to Lave sent, a dying request to Mr. Choate not to vote for Gen.

Scott. If he did send such a message, Mr. Choate disregarded it, and voted the straight Whig ticket. Mr. Peter Harvey, however, voted for Pierce and King." How Russia and Prussia Regard the French Empmie.

The restoration of the empire by Louis Napoleon is now discussed by the Ptussian journals with less freedom than a few weeks ago, when the anti-Bonapartism of the Kreuz Zeitung had not dravn upon it the reprehension of the ministry. It is noticed, however, that Count Hatzfeld. the Prussian minister to the Majorities in the Severnl States. The majorities in the several States below are estimated as follows, though but few of them are yet fully ascertained: FREDERICK COXtNTY OFFICIAL. f.r a Grocery ar.d the will alter again.

Went on a short distance further, when Gregory and Shields at Buren and French streets bad a quarrel and fought one round, when they were separated. Thence went up Exeter to Hills and up East and Enror streets, where Shields cau up to them. As he came up he said to Gregory, "You struck me." Gregory replied "You are a fool go away." Words continued, and they determined to fight it out. Going into tbe street they had several rounds, and witness thinking Constantine was taking up too much for shields, told him he must not do it. Immediately affer this saw Gregory lying in the gutter with.

Shields lying across his body, and heard Gregory exclaiming "He is Jbiting me he is biting me." Witness! ran across, and pulling Shields off, said, 'You dirty fellow, would you be so mean as to bite a man." Shields then made at witness, and "itness knocked him down. Did not see either of the parties afterwards that night. There were some twelve or fifteen persons present, most of whom he knew by name. The witness underwent 1 lone cross-examination bv the defence. SroTtr-iiale.

the House for the purpose ol a iwort tsa' t. APpt rj i rsiOM.iS PAINTER, i iiiksfurs, i-ouuty, 5-ra. ifi-Voim FOR FIERCE. EAT BARGAIN'S FROM Al I'lON. Just vl received Rich Knsbroidered Curtiins, omy 64.TrorTh61'U iJKJefcuid Jaconet Woried Sieves andr-ol ars; ha pnoa super Embroidered Cam -no Handerchiefs.

price only 37', wortii 1: Hf mmtcaeu Linen Cambrio 2. worrh 7.5 ceius, with alarge Lot of Cheip Goods, bought at for less taB hail tne EX FOR SVLE VERY" LOW TEN two-etory fandat-ia RtUCK DWELLINGS s'reet, near Frav.k i- and I. i.ion Stjt'a'es -part r-f will wr Sully a iasa than ecusi--. On ih ii Sentences of Engine hen. Two eDginemen, of engines belonging to coal pits, were recently tried in Glasgow, Scotland, for culpably losing command of their encriues, by which one man was killed and two wounded, by'falling down the pit in the bucket in one instance, and in the other by one man being killed from the bucket and ropp falling upon him.

They were found guilty, and each sentenced to one year's imprisonment, by Lord co*ckburn. 67 Blt i iiiore st. ar bar. El-tf Vireinia North Carolina (Teorpia Aiabjuia (Jhio Indiana Illinois, Michigan New Jersey. Louisiana Wisconsin Maryland i New liMncshirc hode Island 1,1 Connect S.00,t New York 27lion Pennsvl vani i.

19,000 Missouri 12. WO Mississippi 0. Kentucky 2.1'OTt Iowa 3,000 BONNETS. CTKAW 3.W-I 6. tied S.Ooii l.iido a Srtore.

A bnerw creutt wui o- 'y on of the purchase ir.oney. S2 est TVS ir tSrijirr. ZJLL, li-Ji. 133 2S3 176 2 211 6 SO 151 it7 242 61 3 211 121 142 119 104 French government, who is now in Berlin, is not r.bout to return immediately to his post, and the Pirrcc. 162 902 233 110 2S0 15.5 104 136 1SS 152 213 1S2 67 94 loo ISO -3344 lpri s'oeir in treat Buckeystown Miduldto" Cre-tersto Enimitsburg Catoctoa Uibana-- Liberty Ker Market.

Woodiboro Mt. Pleasant Jeti'trscn rdechaniostown Jackson-. Total Wll. 'l-ll STOCK. ijOi mtereace is drawn that Prussia will hold herseil entirely aloof from the important events which arc now pending or in prosrress at Paris.

The departure of Count Kisselerf for St. Petersburg is re Texas Rosewoob Trade. It is saidlvatan attempt i New Orleans for beine made to form a compan-, i c. i' m. -t.

-54 uU IIOL'SE, in new and eoroi'I'tte crder. sitivi- ted in a eood Leigu'-orluxid sud a ihri -ins Mtsi- i cess, 'ihe ciiSy reason selling outj fae i is atou to lsave the City. til bo soid a bargain if immediate nwiue to tne BL aK HOUSE, No. 3 Mr.h Market Space, ea- sr. P4-3f; garded as significant of the Czar's intention to concur with Prussia in its abstention from the in the purpose of entering into the rosewood trade terior att'airs of France Pierce will probably have majorities in Florida, California, and Arkansas.

FOR SCOTT. Massachusetts- 7,1971 Tennessee, not known. Vennunt. 10,000 1 The Tobacco Trade Hunt's Merchant's Ma Instantaneous Portraits. The Scientific 3204 11 BONNET SILKS, SATINS and VKUVKTS, crs'ors and kirids.

MODES. Fiorencea ftEQ lUcE or.s. FLOWERS. French and FEATHERS, new and wti etT-. BONNET LININGS, CROWNS.

coiapn a oomrlete Milrner Mock. The tra le are invited to examine these pocss: they Wili be bo iow. ARMS! RON LA I OA, Et-tfl 173 Balto. Light ALL GOOifS. Hi-ok and Colored Silk- FRINGES "ckaixi i oi'irfd Laand Crotchet GI.NlrS Silk.

Jet a- P-pri BUTT' NS Cloakimt BRAIDS and VELVETS Fcr Bale, and rej HA.1G, ni-tf UPsj lS ore s-ect. TH A TTKNTION IS KFOl KST- LNG uble FOR 5ALE That hn? Br ok DWELL TORE No. 25rf N. Gay street, d. WASHINGTON COUNTY OFFICIAL.

American says that instantaneous portraits can now be taken on collodion by a very ingenious French invention. The person whose portrait is The projector owns a large tract of land near Gua-tu'co, in the State of Aajaca, on the Pacific, about 210 miles from Acapulco, which is covered with splendid rose trees from three to four feet in diameter. It can be delivered for shipment at a cost of $6 per ton, and is worth between $50 and $60 per ton of cubic feet. Terrible Agent of Destruction. A resident of Leeds, England, apprises the editor of the gazine, for November, contains a paper on the tuji tiin.

and r.ow oeeupied as a noe store, The front feet, and i'" feet deep to a in feet ail.t.y; I subject io a ground rent $2 a loot, wun ti-e i iee of bavins it out at 6 per cpnt. contains eleven rooms in all, and rents for ojm per year, i inr-lviwlho or at No. 30 Chew Street, of! tobacco trade, the statistics cf which are exceed1 interesting to American merchants, particu' to be taken is placed at some distance oft', in faont of the lens, and tbe operator, while conversing with him, pulls a trigger. By so doing a newly Jarly in showing the comparative productions of invenwa cap turns on its own axis, ana its ro nl WM. C.

STALLINGS. tary movement allows the lieht and the imaee of Sharpsburg, Hagersroa-n, CiearspriDg, Hanco*ck, -B onsboro', Pleasant Val! I.tiJersburg, f*ckstown, Srdy Hook, Tilghtnanton State some increasing and others falling off and further showing the fact that the annual Galway indicator that be can prepare a liquid, a pint of which in a glass grenade-shell, tiirown throuerh a barrack window in the night, would silently destroy the whole of its livinar inhabit 1 K.D. A 8'4re for esto of LIN F.N GO only, is opened at 53 ry. VH.Rt.hS i.exme- inn er Knmii'es ran Diirthase pure and cenuine Lili- Fierce. Scott.

1S6 252 245 191 587 610 351 3SS 153 lfiK 272 317 319 1S3 ev, b'9 J37 171 1S7 175 154 62 103 133 101 2723 2069 ALLEGANY COUNTY. President. value, at this period, is no greater than that of Fv-R LE. A new three ftory f-, feiji wi'li doub'e bntldnnt, "-i-ree: near Tctoi', lot 17 feet front by i5u feet ri'e'. to i fee- alier.

Kti'iuire on the premises, or ofT. GORL'CH, Mulberry between Eutsw and Howard. IdLLl iJii EN A- iJOOTii over the Mecur.aie?' I ec at this store vita coiiiidesoa, i ctft mixtures beta entire' excluded w.thout iiavir.g to pay extra for ants, or broken in ths face of an advancing force, horse or foot, would arrest their progress by death or paralysis. twenty, thirty or forty years since. It would seem from this summary that the lowest (average annual) prices obtained for tobacco were, in 1S12) 'IILLIKFN Importers Linen Goods onir the SttN ion 3 cents: 1315, cents; and that it reached or ex The Guano Mines.

A correspondent of the London Times, in a late communication to that jOOK or tiny nuiti Patrick Hughes testified that he was at the house in North stieet witn the parties, and went away wi them. Shields and another man tad a difficulty it was not with Gregory or McKeever. At tbe corner of French and Front streets, Shields, witness, and John Drury went in a house, the others going up French street. Subsequently fell in with Gregory, Constantine, and McKeever, again at the corner of French and Exeter streets. Had a scramble for the pieces of a water-melon, which Constantine let drop.

They had a fuss soon after this, and Shields told witness that Gregory had struck him in the eye. ShieWs wanted to take his coat off end fight Gregory, who had gone erf. Tried to stop him from fighting, but he started off and caught up with Gregory at the corner of East and Ensor streets, where they had a fight. Saw Gregory, on the third round, lying in the gutter, exclaiming "He is biting'me." Don't know hich was on top. McKeever took Shields off, who made at McKeever, and was knocked down by him.

Shields then wanted witness to get him a revolver, if it cost him twenty dollars. Saw nothing in the hands of Shields during the difficulty. A long cross-examination by the defence took place with this witness also. Both witnesses testified that Shields and Gregory had been drinking quite freely ia feet, the whole party appeared not to have been too sober. At two o'clock the court adjourned to ten o'cl'k this morning.

S. Circuit Court Before Chief Justice Taney and Judge Glenn This tribunal was engaged yesterday with the case of George Cauffin vs. Thos. H. D.

Potts; an appeal from the District Court. Appellee had obtained a decree below against appellant for wat es as a seaman. No decision. George W. Gill for appellant; Gale for appellee.

Adjourned to Monday morning, when the jury will be in attendance Court of Common Pleas. Before Judge Marshall. No. 141 Lazuro Laconick vs John W. Williams, an action to recover the amount of a promissory note.

Verdict far defendant. N. Williams for rotal, nt trie Siin oiriCr. 4CS3. ceeded 10 cents only in the five following years or certain, saged rure Lineu P.

S. Ail roods en ted to rive saiisfaot.o je HOUSE, suitable fo- -i, FOR KENT A ar Oil viz 1S16, 15r cents: 1517, 12'a' cents; 1518, 10 paper relative to the Guano Islands, estimates the guano lound on them to amount at least to two hundred and fifty millions of tons. To rsmove on me corner St! Boiia wiTa every 1 cents; 1S19, WX cents; 1S39, 10 cents. -v streets, near tne s-reets. Fierce 1 nan ver ana rer-y LATE AND IMPORTANT NEWS! Ladies, if you want 'o eet laran-ins.

rH V. r.I AS Gkv.cs No this deposit, at the rtite of a million cf tons per The total value of the exports have varied (ex Market. Cass 16 t-5 107 111 J'hl is a rare cnnce, ana i- reweu io I tenasf f.r per year, ir-ciudTg water, i a Nn.M'!)ttTil HOWARD between Fayette cept in the embargo year and during the last war with Great Britain) from (in 1S11) to 92 144 o.H M.n'i. inor.ire ot S. annum, would require wo hundred snd fifty years, and employ, for that time, a thousand ships of a thousand tons capacity each.

I a-rino-rt-ir, atrsrl. Wflpra VOlJ Et 03S S. Little M'tlR. at Kramer, Co's, DrttsglstsN-'. .50 1 South sTeer.

7 11 i tor Will Scii nis inn ano sjs'ntu Curab land, No. 6 273 147 rok of DS HOODS at a creat $10,053,000 in 1816. $12,576 ooo in 1S41, and the LUhestsum yet realized, $12,509,000 in 1S18. The leading States for production have been Westernport DWELLING PART f*ck RENT i roi" ro Ca'tfornia. 1 came on: in csrt.

SILK f.iKrrFRKS AND Dr LOCAL MATTERS. Annual Meeting of Ihe Maryland Bap nniT six rooms iie- co; tore 93 wnnr as tollows: hvdrant in the yard. Appiyat I. CLOTHS: CASSLMERS; CASSINF.TS 299 63 71 66 71 100 254 109 76 61 42 the sitter to pass through a hole twice the diameter of the lens. The portrait is obtained in the traction of a second, and for quickness can only be compared to electricity.

The Butter Trade of Cincinnati. During the year ending the 1st of Ssptember last, the import's of butter at Cincinnati were 3,412,600 lbs and the exports 2,321.250 lbs. The Price Current estimates the consumption of Cincinnati aed vicinity at about 4,000,000 lbs. per annum, and the receipts by pr' vate conveyances at about 3.000,000, niai ing 7,000,000 lbs. the ready supply of buttor from all sources the value not less than a million of dollars, or nearly one-third the value of hogs disposed of in the Pork city.

Louisville and Nashville Railroad. According to a survey made of the line of railroad from Nashville to Louisville, the approximate cos of the whole road, completed and in running; order, with equipments, depots, is 000,000. Louisville has already subscribed and a like sum will have to be subscribed in Tennessee, to commence the improvement New Line of Steamships. A provisional announcement has appeared in the English papers, of the "London, Liverpool and North American Screw Steamship Company." The steamer? of the company will leave London and Liverpool alternately, throughout tbe year, for Canada and Newfoundland, from March to October: and during the remainder of the year will call at Portland. Eulogy on the Duks of Wellington It is stated thnt G.

P. R. James, has consented to deliver the funeral oration on the life, charac tist Union Association. This body, which com suies tne garret the store. LiSt 36m S3 154 233 19 195 49 92 2m S3 52 C3 240 13S3 aji BLANKETS: a assortment of Frostburg- 246 Oidtown 71 Flintstoce.

77 15 Mile Creek Glades 10 5S Acr-iilent 103 Mt. Savage 1S3 505 nd Velvet: Mantillas; and a iarte assortment 0i r.u.-Une'-y Goods; Ribbons and Embroideries. Nliiliners.and Merchants from the country would do wed to examine I113 stock hefnre pr.rchasynit elsewhere, as he will sell hi eonds wi- retard to cost. Itoa't ioreet No. 5 NORTH HON.

ARD i (new district (new district.) (new district.) hK KENT, tne four-story HOUSE Vo. 27 est street, nearly r.oposte Harover street. For trss app-y to f' LL Rt. BY KB 271 Baltimore street, or to ALBERT SRO-i S40 Baltisiiore at. 16tl I rWij 1F THO-Sii riOl on Bt s't'cva Bone, ftre uu- Pounds, 1850.

1 111. 12 053,0 0 21,200,001) 56 516.0UO 3.9 2i0o0 Pounds, 1840 471.00 1,8:0,000 9.067,100 .29 55 ...75. 3 1.912,000 Connecticut. i Indiana North Carolina. I Missouri I Tennese I Kentucky Other States menced its sessions in the Seventh Baptist Church of this city, on Wednesday morning, held a very interesting meeting on Thursday eveninsr, in behalf of the Columbian College, Washington Citv.

Alter appropriate religious exercises, Rev. W. F. Broaddus presented the claims of that excellent institution to the congregation in a strong, practical address, at the close of which the noble sum of $8,500 was readily subscribed to aid in the endow humi'iis, bat rsaiity. Total.

-1897 1579 1619 EO'a oa erect, or rem- i'tiT 1 MEW FALL DRV GOOD. IS BENJ'N THOMAS. PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY. MaCUSOii EI. Oil nd foar on crr-er Would resoectfullT be' leave to call tae attention of Pvrl-t.

fcsu: ss, or to iT4 199,532,000 at these pexiods, mutnnwn t1 the miliiio esneraliv to an wed 1 15 199 519,16 V0 No other State has produced bevond 1.000.000 pounds. 157 123 j4 FOR KENT. The sobaarii.ef ojTars for rear, lecfed act assorted stock of new and desirable FALL DR GOODS, as he has ever fieiore naa to oner, se lected from tie t-est stocks in this country. aom 177 141 91 91 114 S3 145 143 211 166 93 The total export, total export value, and value pr-r hhd. forsome, are as follows: Yrtrs Export Hhd.

Total Val, per Wi'l Yaasville. Piadensburg ti'i-'-en Anne's Aqua in cart: Press SILKS, fienred and rljun. Rich ali wool CASHMERE and DE LAINES. Frsnch MERINOES.

in all shades- 126 140 102 132 eo 92 94 921 18-3-13 34 Aver. 100 35 130 75 CO 53 720 fen? -5 2-000 85 9Z V.R34.""0 59 i-5 107.975 S9 33 ment of the college. He was followed in suitable pddrcsses by Rev. R. W.

Cushman and Rev. Dr. Fuller, after which the congregation was dismissed with singing and prayer. The choir of the church was in attendance, and adc.ed to the interest of thp occasion. Tne association re-assembled yesterday morning, tie moderator, Rev.

J. W. M. Williams, in the chair. After Ginginir, and joining in prayer with Mr.

Freeman, the minutes were read and approved. A resolution was passed commendirg Cc'tan-biaa College to the substantial favor of Baptists in this country. The report of the committee on education, with the resolutions attached, was called up and 'pass 132.010 5Ck POPLEINS stripe-i vni plaid new district for lSi.9, '50, '51, were, to I he lorena exports Arminian and Persian tLO'l HS. Wrh a ereat variet of otier new 8ty ie dress eoods a superior of Silks, hieh lustres countries annexed: Tola 733 1051 Hhds. '850.

Hhd. 7R5L Hhds ter and public services of the late Duke of Wellington, before the British residents of Boston and their invited guests, at the Melodeon, on the 10th of November. An Affray occurred at Lynchburg, a few ren.arkablv chap: Lro'Touieries in rrat variety: CHARLES COUNTY. Goods for men's and war: loves; Hosiery Jon the lstot I'seenii-er, uunu miim he rsarof Pratt Sthebt, between Claries sid llaro-. er streets, now occupied by Co tor- ther wtm a tea-horse STEAM EG IN ani o'her MACHINERY.

They emi race five well huilr fHek Buildings, under slate io-fs; s'are a four iei saw frcffi street, ar.d 1 isfeat alley In tke rear. Appticatioy rre sooa. s. KASFAl-SN, No 49 Hat.orer8-.-efT:. I 1, T1E SUBSCKI-ER at private -ale X.M rSrj- valuable FA KM la-el beionsin? to Mr Coi'ier, which forms a ot -Snow- Jn's liiruucelisni f-i prite Howard countT.

about ten rri.s fr -m iip ntha Wasliu.etin turnpi- and nd now in the occupation of Mr. Al'red Coije. it conta'tts acrss part bsics o('D YND. 1 and i imo-oved a verv we.l bnilrr.d 1 Er.ilish WT AGE, with Bam. Sts'-re, Out Houses, and tw.i miih'1 Ter.emet -s rlie raiir'd.

Th- is situated arout six- I teen miles from Bvtniore. at.d aiior.ts hrt and TrunminzB, S.C, A eoxI Eupply jrsr row Districts. HiU T.ip Allen's Fresh. Coombs' of chocolate and tan color Dres and Mertncs, all which will be sold at the lowest prices. Aii eany Scott.

Pierce. 122 107 169 119 159 92 44S 3 IS days ago, between Mr. Geo. S. Kame, ot the Cabell House, and Mr Benjamin Farm- Town? 219-13 4S 40ft 22,5" 6 Hoi! Hid '9 053 22 033 1 .8.71 Gre-t Britain 23 British Uoionies 7 905 S.657 France'i Sp-iin i.T-7 O.95.3 Italy and Trieste y.o; 7,6.31 Other Countries 9,747 11,97 i.4;-;3 Total Export "M.521 M'-rrJ) 95.945 coil 13 solicited, el4 Imp" viile, which resulted in tne termer oeing shot a total THE CASH BARGAIN STORK nas rseeived 50 nieces of M.

de LAINE. 121. worm 13 it another lot of those spierdid BLANKETS, 85- that have sold so fast; a lot of black pretty art.c cheap: some L. C. ttrifcfs harzatn; scarlet, martrjn, blue, green and Nick -4 Merino Cashmeres, trmy cheap.

GEORGE W. UHLLR. 2t-tf le4 Franklin Etreet. Affairs IN ALLEGANY COUNTY. Ye Copy plvlntifi; GilOs and Warrington for detendant.

The assignment for to-day is from No. 363 to the end of the docket. Superior Court. Nothing of interest was doe in this court yesterday. Charac cf Stealing.

A man calling himself Geo. Wood was arrested by officer McHenry, on the charge of stealing a surveyor's leveler. valued at He was taken before Justice Kemp, and committed to jail in default of security for a further examination. The accused offered to sell the instrument to Mr. Richard Patton, who made it some years since for the United States government.

It was yesterday ascertained to have been stolen from an officer at the Fort. Carroll Works. Officer McHenry recovered and has properly disposed of it. A Murderous Eloio.llr. M.

Cunningham, a peaceable citizen, while walking towards his home, alonsr Pratt street, Dear the corner of President, on Thursday evening before 6 o'clock, was struck, from an unknown quarter, an insidious blow with a sharp cornered stone, weighing full two pounds, which cut through bis hat, and infMtted a severe, but fortunately not a dangerous wound on the back part of his head. Burglary. The residenoe of Mr. James Haller, in South Eutaw stieet, was burglariously entered during a late hour on Thursday night, and robbed of a quantity of clothing and books valued at $150. The robbers effected an entrance by forcing open a cellar door, and then unlocked other doors by means of false keys.

Outrageous Conduct. An individual named Alfred Meteer, a name familiar to police annals, was yesterday arrested by officers Linzey and Kidd, on the chai se of assaulting Jacob Cline and his wife and Jacob and Cathavine Henry. Justice Kemp, in consideration of the character of the outrage, Scott's mcjority 130, with one district to hear from, which wiU give hirn about 100 ST. MARY'S COUNTY. Scott's majority 17S, and two districts to be heard from, which will increase it to about 273.

RECAPITULATION. The unofiicial icsuit in the whole State, is as follows: II citv tor at iivestmenr, as ct-. r.t.v sn-i I.u-el Fac s.3 well as i saa roads, is iressins its va.tie. i-'lats and other partt- ed, aiterinterestiEg remamstrom Adams, Baron, Bradford, Broaddus, Williams and Noni.5-Divine service was then ordered on the 25th inst in accordance with the proclamation of the Governor of Maryland. The circular Letter Com-minee repotted in favor of its being printed, which was ordered.

Reports for organizing a convention auxiliary to the Foreign" Board" of the Southern Baptist Convention, end concerning the formation and progress of a Eibie Society, were approved. A resolution was also adopted, recommending the young men to organize christian associations for the promotion of true piety. Messrs Wilson, Marsters, Crawley, Ball and William Johnson, were appointed a committee to aid the project. Ic was then resolved to hold the nexi meeting fVi'frscan lound at tre office of the Rubscnber EDWARD DUFFY, Attorney ior ito, te and Lexington. 26 S.

Paul st-eet, between I ays 02j-MTlPl5 fpglTCKNTRE MARKET BARGAIN STORE A hav received frornancrion great barEains in CARPETING, beautiful 3 p.y 87 cts, and .3 super I n-irmin 2i and 75 cts: Fine do 50 ana 5i; beautiful r.ll wool fillineS74; also a lot of beantifu! Mous da i.a:ri 12 cts. siich as were soli for IfiJ: B'sck Si. ani 37J. GOKSUCH JoN ES. o23 cor Centre Marnet' ar.d Pmtt st.

pASTETCFlCLD, CITV OOLLECTOR'S OFFICE. Baltimosb, tct. 21st, Vij2. OTIC The owner or o--ners of bindliig 011 Einorrortland.Per.n. Fremont, aid Pratt st.rests, assessed i openine Fierce.

1-97 771 11.035 3001 S3 1919 958 318 Lo-er street, are nerei nonneu c*nt: iiiuuta sua Have now on a targe and rlesir tile s'ock suited pistol ball passing through his thigh, inflicting a very serious wound. Bust of Mr. Webster. Sir. J.

C. King, the Boston sculptor, has nearly completed a bust cf Mr. Webster, which was subscribed for last spring by public spirited citizens of Boston and Roxburv for presentation to the city ef Boston, to be placed in Faneuil Hall. Daniel Webster and our Merchant Marine. The Boston Marine Society at their annual meeting, on Tuesday evening-, resolved to join in any testimonial of respect that may otter an opportunity of manifesting their grief at the death of Daniel Webster.

A Smart Difference. In the year 17S7, Matthias Denny purchased the 640 acres of land, embracing nearly all the present site of Cincinnati, for forty-nine dollars! Now scarcely a solitary front foot of any lot on that ground can be purchased for that sum. Another Murder is reported in King's county, Ireland. W. B.

Manifold, a land agent, was the victim. He was fired at from behind a hedge, and his head was shattered by thirty-lour slugs from a blunderbuss. A New Remedy for Hydrophobia has been found. The wound must be washed with warm vinegar, or tepid water, and well dried. Then a fiw drops of muriatic acid niuit be poured cn the bitten part.

Madame Henrietta Sontag stave eight con pi.a on or net uaj i to city trade, sce 9, 10 1 1 ana 12-4 vi nitse fciar.ii-ef lona Btd Bquare Sliawis: Cashmere ar.d nea' styie3 De Lamea and Casrmars; so Canton Flannells. "5 the following items from the Cumberland Telegraph The Coal Trade. The coal trade on the Chesapeake and Ohio canal for the week ending Wednesday noon, is very encouraging 43 boats having departed ladan with 3.5S:?.7"tohs ot coal, and 152 5 tons of co*ke. The total tonnage for the month of September was 12.182.19 of coal, and 517 13 of co*ke. The total receipts for the same period was 11.

Amount of coal despatched from the mines of the Cumberland Coal and Iron company for the week ending 30th October, 1S52, 3.237.8 tons. During the same week 6,169 tons were transported over the Mt. Savage railroad. Ucitfif. Mr.

Samuel Wilhelm was seriously injured on Monday last, at Frost's steam saw mLil suout 20 miles west of Cumberland. He and two brothers were chopping down a tree, when a limb leil and sirnck lam on the head. He was still t'live when last heard from, but his recovery is doubtful. Torek IJght Procession. Ca Wednesday night the democracy of our city celebrated their victory by a torch light procession, which made a very fi.De appearance Discharged.

Michael Madden, who was arrested in this place on the 25th and committed to jail VEMBKK, 1852. it wOi be tne imperative cuty 05 te, aireeabiy to City O.ctic&iics, to advertiM the saras for sale, o24-lm. JOHN J. RF.Y-. Col! ector.

FMTV COLLECTOR'S SroU. 13.SS 718 9558 1946 1703 51 8S7 MS 27Sna 300 3204 196 570 CfiO 921 673 1233 Counties. Allegany, -Anne Arundel Rsl-ircore city, Biitimore co. -fialvrr, -Carroll, -Cecil. -Charles, 1 3, ircheitt-r, -Fitdeiirk -Harford, -Howard.

-Prince Goorge'3 Mon-gomery, -Q'teen Aane's, Somerset, -Talltot, -Washington, -Worcester, X-J 1352. N' OTIC The (Wf ow perty inn'Owmi Aisquita, of the association on the 1st Saturday in November, 1S53; also, that arrangements be effected for the frequent preaching of the Gcspel in the charge at Elkridsie Landing. Resolutions were then passed, thanking Revs. F. Wilson and Georse F.

Adams for their able conduct of the "True Union," and the reporters cf the Clipper and Sun for their reliable reports of the proceedings. The association then adjourned sine die. kubscripfions to the Washington Rational Monument The amount collected at the diiterent polls in the city, on the day of election, in aid of the Washington National Monument, was as follows: 1st ward, $12 25; 2d, $17; 3d, $88 06; 4th. $75 75; Oih, $46 95; 6th, $52 62; 7th, $39; 8th, $58 16; 9th, SH AWLS, ike. BIRD s.

69 BALTIMORE would invite the after tion of purchasers to their imrai fieent BLACK SILKS: Brocade SILKS; tdaio chaceeabia SILKS; French DELAINES rnd CASH.V.ERit.S: MERI NOES, a colors: PA LAI S3 AWLS, a reat vsrierr; Loir SHAWLS, new styles, co'c-rs and moanint: Embroideries, very cheap: plain and em- is-n, S-irllR3, JilOOiC, iioit liivaie, yj.i- 3314 1221 625 6-18 720 417 2 984 07 2753 1166 uawis. s.0. lira 1 iorgct ivj, broidered Crape SIm BALTIMORE ovi tf new erorp. $51 88: tO $90 S8; Uttl, $102 43; 12th, $102 53; ver, Ciinae. and o'her tree's.

and Point lane, lorthei-peaireof Aisquitn reet, are hereov notified that unless sid f-ra raid on the hrst day r-f lHCEWCKK. IS52, it will be the imperative doty of the Coliecu r. airvee-ai-ly to City Onlusa-ice, to advertise he ame for JKN J. BA1- RY, 021-tiKl C.iy Cn'jeotor. VTOTl'OE TO Ct i.NTK ACTORS.

eileo r'l iso-i the Engineers' Oflicr. ta Sucburr. until the 15th of October nest, for the Grtd-in? and of that pnrt of the Su iq-iehari a Railroad between Briaepc-rt 1 opposite H-irriMOiirs) aad' Sur.bury, a distance of a'-o-Jt M'ry-five mii-is. Plans. IVonTe3 and Specifications will i.e at tiie said office for one prior to that dit.

The fiie w.U be divided into RectK-n o- a mile in length, arit tender may t.e m-ide mile 2669 1233 29,611 Ci CAR1SS. 'ARVES AND GILDER, 140 SALTrHOllZ Bcdiimort, macutac-tares, and has oc hand, Portrait. Picture at.d FRAM ES: Bracket and other TABL KS: Vsadow CORN iCF.S: Room Moo Mine: LOOKING-GLASSES and Plf GIsjb for Windows, of all size-: Hammered GLAts-i for Floors; feo. Press to suit. 7 131h, $28 07; 14th, $121; 15th, $111 23: 16th, $47 77: 1 on the charge of havinsr, with two others, murder 17th, $21 25; ISth, $61 42; ISlh, $62 67; 20th, $13 M.S47 60.

Total, $1,239 97. Pier; 's majority, 5,033 Mr John L. Brown, the ageatof the Washing Jtl.VSSiACf It'SETT -5 jlire vote of this State is follows: ed Robert J. Mc Don gall, Morns county, on the 30th of September last, has been discharged. Our 1 alifornia Emigrants.

We understand that letters have been received from several members of John H. Kehler's company, who state that they had arrived in California, aDd all were in good ic ton National Monument Society, also acknowledges the receipt of the following sums: Private subscriptions from citizens, $66; workmen from 54.205 I Hale, 29,008 ..47,003 I Webster andscat'g iHJ CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. A ETW4KT, ZiOMi SHINGLE YARD. Oti YV Sirs Union Doci, Rss oristatt'T oa a iarze quantity of Picrc establishment ct Kncbe ii Gaehle, $67 62; la or lor tns viime wo iS raylor hart 61,070 votes in rilassachusetrs; beaifn and Lodges of Odd Fellows Columbia, $10; Mechan lire Cjp; es SHI oi t. cwr.

rran ics', $10; Pacific, $15: Gratitude, Iris. $10; Wm. certs in Philadelphia lately, in rapid succession, audit is said the gross receipts of ihese concerts amounted to $23,400, and her nightly expenses are stated to be from $900 to $1,000. The Spanish Consul at New Orleans. The New Orieans Bulletin denies the telegraphic report that Mr Laborde, the Spanish Consul, had left New Orleans lor fear of personal violence.

He was still there, and had no intention of leaving. A "Riveh Postman" has been appointed for the Thames, at London, whoe duty it will be to deliver letter, newspapers, that may arrive by post, addressed to persons on board of vessels in the river. The Vote of Hull The town of Hull, in Massachusetts, which generally casts 15 whig and 2 democratic vote, this yeargives Pierce 11, Webster 8, and Scott 7. "As goes Hull, so goes the Union." Dr. J.

S. Prettyman. of Milford, Iras re 'to! or ntai! r.t let i promptly committed him to jail lor ceurt- Reciprocal Hostilities Benjamin Tlbbals was arrested by officer Southerland, charged with assaulting and beating Mary Ness, alias Cook. Justice Houlton reieaed him on security for court The woman was also arrested by officer Southerland, charged with disorderly conduct towards Tibbals, and released on a peace security. Oj7enive.

Sarah Woods, Rosanna Woods, and Mary Woods were yesterday arrested by officers Stephenson aad Ross, on the charge of assaulting the family of Wm. Colean, and throwing filth in their yard. Justice Bushe released them on giving security to keep the peace. Assaulting and Beating. Charles Shue was yesterday arrested by officer Elliott, upon the charge of assaulting and beating Lucius Brown.

Justice Houlton released him on producing security for court. Charge of Theft. John Lloyd was arrested by officer Tucker on the charge of stealing five dol -lars from the monev drawer of Mary Hanson. Justice Houlton held "him to bail for a further examination. Assault and Pa'tery.

John D. Moot was yesterday arrested by officer Rouch and Butler, charged with assaulting and baating Robert B. Griffin. He was released on security for court by Justice Kemp. Entered Upon His Duties.

Thomas J. Peirce, recently appointed a justice of the peace, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. O'Neal, has entered upon the duties of his office. Funeral. The Washington Lodge of Odd Fellows, No.

1, assembled yesterday morning, and attended the funeral of their deceased brother mem wr.ii they are ee iirt mmr- mrt fin- .1 Tell, $10; Franklin, $10; Friendship, $10; Washington, $10; Jackson, Monumental, $10; Jefferson, $5 $110; boxes at. Maryland Institute and Proposals may state ruat propcrtumsw the avronr.t scothas 51,205 loss 6.765. Cass had 35.231; I clerk to the Corporation. The common council of payments, if any, win be taxen in oefs" Uie now Pierre has 47.00S gam 11,727. Van Biiren of this city have elected Mr.

L- B. Smith, clerk, company a- a. t. Y-)u, had 33.058; now Hale has 29,008 loss 7,050. Try- 1 vice J.

T. Hoblitzell, resigned. Eneineers' Omce. Spt. II, 1SW.

tor's plurality over Cass was 25,789. Scott's plu- Nauvoo We take Thi tune for r-'ceivii-s pro-ob f-r the above work raltty over Pierce is 7.197. In this respect there is 1 n- Icarian lolon at taice iUbt H-Jti. tla TENTH IAY OF NO- a wliig of 13,495." Ia IS 13 the wajorUv srsinst rme the process of this community EMBER. EXT.

lnvior Vns 12 269; now the majority aRainstScott 'ro? the semi-aaaual report, which come down A. si. WAF.FORD, Chid I o-, -6l hu Vic- the-e is a Whi less of to tft 1st Ot July lost. Ihe society, during the Cattle Show, $264 40. lotal Irom ail sou-rces, $1,847 99.

Charge of Robbery. Early yesterday morning, prev after watch hours, as watchman Brook of the eas I 11, 10. I 11,1 to. PIANO AND TABLE CoVERs. We have jnrt revived a laree assortment Piano and Tib ot every des-rip-ion, etnbra! F.n.broi-rlered Cloth, Eintrfissed Com, Worsted, Cloth, arl a- nand 01113 new article (T Silk and Worsted, ttinssn enti-ir new Frencn Co-er.

J. C. W. HOLLAND, Upholsterers. iron goods an17pre- MIUM SPRING MAT" EiSES.

An ex-en-etve assortment Iron Bedsfetwls. at prices from 5 to 50; Hat Racks: Tables; Settees: Chairs, kc. Alo, the unequalled PREMIUM SPRING MA PRESS, et an isortmeriC ot Centriset.a: bprins Oilice sxu Parlor Chairs. Forse by GEO. ST URGES, o'2-lm' nortr nf HVrnwre umI sti.

tern district was on his way home, he arrested a man named George Daws, on the charge of stealing three hand a drawing knife, and a sash STtiN UMSNT A. W. O'lNM KAi) SfN, COHNER AND MONUMENT STREETS. HA LTLVOl iv tns iron oaiider tenure in men, 101 wemen, and 88 children; 60 persons were added during the period covered by the report, and 100 new members were expected. The colony had 445 acres of land under cultivation, and was in possession of 8 plough.

11 horses, and yjZW YORK. V'e have received returns of the vote for President an Governor from fifty-three counties. In these counties the majority for Pierce is 22,683, saw, tne property oi inessrs. Dawson 6t neynoias, house carpenters. The property was found on md ior SfviTKjtir, lor Governor, Dearly ro ffr tj'-tl? I f-r I i.i,ury STEa.

EN 5 i N' W-ajleri. Cl-t-od. Sa.a-, G'lf -r I -sir 'i-lElV: aud iti'-i sLd i iXLES fcUs-t rfr-dy -r-y I the same. Hie counties to ne Heard lrom wul him. Upon examination of his person three skeleton keys were found, one of which was used to enter the carpenter's shop.

Justice Kemp committed him to jail for his appearance at court. Cniterl Statf Regimental Parade and Target Firing. The 53d I'll A R.s U.M'S CAN 1 Resriment of Maryland Infantry, Col. James M. tit that unlit an to --nr 1,1 ber.

Isaac Lowmaa. Anderson, intend having a dpess parade on Mon Fined. Mr. Ready was arrested by officer Pam- day afternoon, on which occasion tney will cross in the ferry to Locust Point, and have a target philion, charged with throwing stones in trie street. Justice Yoe fined him one dollar with costs.

tiring lor three fine silver goblets, presented by the held and staff" of the regiment. The fine corps of Independent Greys will also have a target firing for medals presented by the officers. Launch. Messrs. Abrahams Ashcraft expect ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Take this met nod ct toeir frienas and the fnohc tiiat, ailertiiis dais, any cratojis in ueir letter boi.lNo.

OHANiCS' ilXCh.VNGK, will be proir.PtlT a-i-uoed to. H. J. REYNOLDS, Bulldere, Faltimor. ul '7Friirt f.t MAGNIFICENT CANFIELD.

BROTHER t. CO 2:4 BALTIMORE STREEC, Are now an e.t'ensive assort mnt of ELEGANT GOODS from London, Swirjier land. Germnr.v, Italy, Ciiina. aD-J ou- o-r'n as Jeweir; Ckn-ks; Bronze-: Siivr; ltar Corals: FANCY GOOD, of tl best Baltimore. Nov.

to, iiw. Pear Msdam Thadu'ies have ii-j to nni'ihj, no ast hum. and po'tn-irwy af-fM o-iH. 1 have deprivalof tin' power of attnd-in-i to the du'ies of mt profession, mu! shnuul have ad i' not have bet-n for the henkn of your I tried it not a few hours before I lenn to reio the advantasa of itfi e-u'ecm. oly contth arid ho'reeress left me.

LUSS ARE And appetite eresfiy improved, i. there fire, have no in sddme my testimony to of the ttii- wo ha'-e experienced the len-fii3of jour Cor. ti ''id WM. MKKCKK. to launch, this afternoon, trom their ship-yard, corner of Thames and Wolf streets, a fine barque ceived the appointment of Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, in the American College of Medical Reform, in Philadelphia.

Profitable Cruise. The barque N. D. Chase which arrived lately in the port of Beverly, Mass.i after a cruise of one year in the South Pacific, landed 420 barrels sperm oil, which was immediately disposed of in Salem at $1 21 -per gallon. Railroad Bridge Burned.

On Tuesday afternoon the covered railroad bridge, a short dis-tancebelow Orwigsburg Landing, Schuylkill, took fire from a locomotive, and was destroyed. Jd3" James Little and James D. Burns, while returning from a democratic meeting at Johnstown, last week, were run over by the cars and killed. 23 P. T.

Barnum and Mr. Beach are about to issued a magnificent illustrated paper in New Yoik. JCgIt is reported, but wants confirmation, that the plague has broken out in Persia, near the Turkish frontier. 3On the 30th of September, a fire in Smyrna destroyed six hundred houses inhabited by the poorer classes. gLieut.

Col. Antrobus, provincial aid-decamp to Lord Elgin, died at Quebec on Sunday night. Disagreeable Day. Yesterday was a most disa of about 500 tons. greeable day, and after the fine weather we have had for a month past, it was felt most sensibly.

There were sixty lamps belonging yoke of oxen. The crops have been excellent; 1,500 bushels of wheat, 8 000 do. of Indian corn, and 1,700 do. cf potatoes having been harvested. Twenty-four men have the care of the fields, and eight of the vegetable garden.

The orchards and vineyards are in the highest degree promising, though not yet ia bearing condition. Thirty men are employed on the island cutting wood, which brought to the settlement In two fiatboats The transportation of fuel in this manner gives employment, to seven other men. The saw-mills, cooper shops, supply all the necessities of the colony. The number of fat swine was 30; 150 were fattening for this autumn, and 250 for next year. The school was not yet in full and successful operation, owing to a want of room; there are other present difficulties in the way, which will be overcome in time.

The musical band consists of 32 persons, and both music and the drama have reached a very satisfactory pitch of excellence. The general health has been good, thoush early in August an attack of cholera carried oft" six men, ten women, and six children. The. finances were alto in good condition. On the credit side of the account stands the sum of on the debtor, $4,822 leav ing a balance in favor of the society of $36,580.

During the present, autumn ten men will seek a proper place in Iowa for a new and extensive colony. When the foundation of this is fairly laid, Nauvoo will, for the future, be but a place for the preparation anr? proving of new colonists. AVttt lot Tribune. Tne wind was cool and raw rom the northeast, with a drizzling rain, calling for overcaats and thick boots, for all who were out of dcors. The to the city broken cn Tuesday night, Dy a gang ot rowdies.

A large number were new and just erected. For ile 1 W. Bont. S. n--'-ce.

asrrr, ty; tsexes: i-asr. inz ci 1 siiij H. r-rki-s Jt .1. F. Perkins.

S. W. Si i to whicn they would tne tittgnaon -te ram, however, is much needed the country, all the streams being low. 02.7-:t pubiii. FlemtEg A- Duke.

ri. J. Al. Thos. .1.

l'itt, Msrrs. Read, C. Hopkins, and by For the Baltimore Sun. Ruffianism and Crime. Fellow-citizens: j.robably add to thh present majorities.

The New 1 York Evening Post thinks that. Pierce will have about iS, ooo, and Seymour shout 25,000 in the i whole sute. The Legislature is overwhelmingly democrat, i only one whig being chosen this side of Albany. 1 It is supposed the wMgs will not have over 30 members ol" the House, though the Senate is tied, as a number of whigs hold over. To Consresi, 20 "democrats, 11 whies, 1 inde- pendent (Caleb Jyon) and 1 ultra abolitionist (Gerrett Smf.h) are elected.

Smith is elected over Hough, dem. Of the 11 whigs, 5 are "silver grpys" or Union whigs, and 6 Seward whigs. i The followins are the names of the members elect. The delegation in the present Congress consists of 17 democrats and 17 whiirs: 1, Jas. Maurice, 2, T.

W. Cumming, i Hiram Walbridge, dem 4, Mike Wa'sh, 5, Wui. M. Tweed, 6, John Wheeler, dem, 7, Wm. A.

Walker, dem 8, Fran. B. Cutting, Jat ed V. Peck, 10, William Murray, Thro. R.

West brook, 12. Gilbert Dean, 13, Russell Sage, whig; 14, Rufus W. Pock- -ham, dem 15, Andrew J. Ireland, 16, Hughes, 17. Bishop Perkins, dem IS, Peter R'jwc, dem 19, G.

W. Chase, whig; 20, O. B. Matteson, whig; 21, Henry Bennett, whig; 22, Gcrritt smith, 23, Cr.leb Lyon, 21, 1 Danitl T. Jones, dem; 25, E.

B. Morgan, whig; 26, H. Woods, whig; 27, John J. Taylor, 28, Hastings, 29, Azaiiah Boody, i whis; 3o, Pi ingle, whig; 31, T. T.

Flagler, whig, 32, 'Solomon G. "Haven, whig; 33, G. A. S. Crooiter, whig.

Me ait tors of the present Congrcr-s. New York, Nov. 5. The majority for th Tierce and King electoral ticket in this State will be from 26,000 to 27,000. PKSMSYliV.ANIA Election.

The members of the 53d regiment, Druesists throuciiout icecuy, J-aie wia oi ni'iui ecierailv. kv' 5mi Maryland Volunteers, have elected Vv'illiam A. Toor, lieutenant colonel, Mr. Poor isweli Now that the tumult of the election is over, will you give ear to a word from one who takes no part in politics, but is deeply interested ia the fWl. IV PITCH'S ABOOMINAI.

SI 1 KS. Blt-iCES, l.NhAUMn SHOE LDr'R known as an officer of experience having once commanded the Maryland Cadets, His gentle ri KS, ED1C1N F.S, Th tinslcreisne.1 ui- ten te p.r.e a ceaerr.i ansorrirent ot me aoove reine- dies, usetl dy Jr. with such manly address must hnd him many additional friends with the rank and file. moral neaim oi uui tii.j In two days we have lately had a cold-blooded murder, aLd a pitched battle in the streets, result- ine in the murder of one, if not two men. Deeds i i i i 'fiflOMAS BONG, BK.O.

2. PRODUCE I DEALERS, N. W. COR. CALVERT AND PRATT Live on hand, and re fnr sate, ic lts to suit piiyase-a.

very best fesMtv -f SW EET and MERCER FOTA TOe APPLES, ONION'S. Jkc. We a kt-ep trie ver best and rfret Wir.ii of Sweet Pouitoos lor frorn ourtrtar.dR ia the t'evera! Lexine-liWeet side of Paca street, under the enves. te Henry Stvuth'a Biucher Marsli 'r'et N. cor.

middle Market and Sc-nod si. Hnover Market Cor. of Ca-nden and Hawivnr N. s'de Caaitir. Peren8 from the country wantms any oi the above articles, liad i' their tntersst to call oa us before pnrcitatre eisewtere.

oroers Irom the ot'untry, fiavine city jnd pi-mptly needed to. We deliver all articles bc-tht ct $jrBev. A. D. Polloch was installed pastor of Organ in St.

Joseph's Church. To-morrow the superb organ in St. Joseph's church, of this city, will he publicly tested for the first time. The Rev. the Hanover Presbyterian Church, at Winning ton, last evening.

Which some years smie wuum ame uiu public astonishment and indignation, are now getting to be common place events. In short, the state of things is fast culminating. Baltimore Is reaching a bad eminence, and becoming the empo in taw cure of conehs, COUH. Contiuioptioii. He.rt DissHSPf, Piles, all Female Complaints, Dr.

the tn-st petiec.i vt.r made, or now known, 'perfectly sunrortisK the buck and a Women, curin-i Kcprnres in Males aid Female. Fulimc Hovels, Yotik Bieedine Lr.ties, FallinK Womb, Jto, Dr. Fitch's Six lectures sale by MSS. A. AJKI6SON, Ase--c, No.

to, N. oonter of and lA-mbaril rj I in. Mllllr. tVom jlflitimtir. .1 John Early, S.

President of Loyola College, will arfDuring the month euriingthc 20th uW the preach upon the occasion, in one opinion oi many receipts of the American Colonization Society it increases the hish reputati- of he builder, Mr, amounted to $1,214 British Income and Expenditures. A Par Henry Berger, who intended it to be a model organ. Public Sales. Messrs. Cannon, Bennett auctioneers, yesterday sold at the Exchange, a rium OI rumamsiu auu mime.

The writer of this communication is not without tome acquaintance with London and he is confident that, even in those vast cities, there 23'The Hutchinsons write back that their journey in California, in one year, has furnished more solid gold profit than a lifetime would in the States. OUGH TILL YOU PKOUD HEARTSPLHS, or cure yotuseif mstatitiy by using a bottiaol SCJ'A democratic salute was fired on Boston Common at noon on Wednesday, in honor of the ground rent of $52 50, for $696, and one of $30 for $396. Both purchased by Mr. Young. Also, four shares of capital slock of the Beltimore and Ohio liamentary paper has just been printed, showing the public income and expenditure of England for the last three years, ended the 6th of January.

I The income was respectively 57,647,392, 431.7S6, and while the expenditure was in the three years as foUows: In 1850, 480,656, leaving a surolus of income of 735; in 1351, 54,338,534, leaving a surplus of in BOOK.S AN ST ATI ON ft WALKER MEDAIRY, S10 BALTIMORE near Lioerty, Offer to oouclry merchants and others, antuif fcooirn and Stationery, strong inducements to buy. Always on hand a laree subpit of Suhooi, IoiicAl, Meilicalaud Misoellane-jusBOOSS and STATIONER at ejerT d-ivcrntiozi. is not the amount ot open anu urmS uwiy which here mocks to scorn the majesty of the law. Nor is it difficult to see why our beloved city is thus the scene of daily and nightly outrage. In the first place, our police is grossly inadequate.

i-t- unit I election of General Pierce. dThe Feast of the Reformation was eclebra Railroad company, at $53, to lur. wiiaam vvooa ward. ted on a grand scale by the German Lutherans of Purchase of a Steamer. The steamer Wm.

Sel- The official majority for Tierce in York county Is SS5. In 42 counties the unofficial result in as follows: Pierce- 33,041 Scott 16,819 Cincinnati on Sunday. Ihctionarie, den havinsr been sold to Messrs. C. H.

Shields, HANCE'S COMPOUND SYHUP OF JlOKEHOUyO! which never fsd? to relieve the most danterous stages of Couehs and Prios 60 ceuts a bcttie. For sniehy S. S. IIANCK, 1 It.lFii.u.rM 1 I n'l OT Yo UMiTE EVP TnT7 A ARE Well, that a misfortune sod no a crime, out to M.nam arer, wheu so hi.e an oportu pity offers to restore your Lnir to the oriitin't! ooior in three minutes, br applttiits JOHN A. JONES' NATIONAL HAIR DYE, ia but lurle short of crime.

rdors attended to f'om irt part of the UnitedS'aes. App.ied and for sale at tne Original JN'O STjtThc quarantine regulations, concerning ves sels arriving at New York from places south of Wm- H. Thompson, Dr. F. Mailory, and Captain J.

Hicks, will take the place of the steamer Coffee, on the Old Point and E2stosn Shore route. She London used to be ine uieuo' Mr. Peal organized the present constabulary system Sincethat time the entire city every lane and'eornert-is under the surveillance of a body whose power invests it with dignity, and who are resnected as the guardians cf the public peace and Sy. How is it in Baltimore? Our police is Cape Henlopen, have been dissolved. Ledgers and IM Boots, Journals and Cviti.Bfwks.

Memorandum B-iok, Cap Paper.ruledacd plain, Letter Pout Bid Paper, tone and broad, SrjThe Pennsylvania Railroad will be comple will be commanded by Captain Hicks ted to PistsDurg in a lew days. come oi and in 1852, leaving a surplus Income of 2,831,716. The expenditure on account ef the army, navy, and ordnance in the year ended the 5th of January last, was 14,573,856. The charges of the collection of the customs and excise last year were 1,300,679. The total charae of collecting the revenue in the year was There has been repaid into the Exchequer account of King Leopold's annuity, 36,000.

Last year 146,392 was expended on the account of the abolition of slavery as bountv on slaves. i5.isn to the commis- Removal. The apparatus of the Washington FiercH's majority, 16,222 The counties to be heard from gave a majority of 5,228 for Supreme Judge, in October. Pittsburg, Nov. 5.

The following is the vote of Alleghany county, compared with the Heorraphiee, Gremma-a, Anthnifctirsa, I'hilf sopVie, tHheiM-trioj, KisU rien, Hiorrephies, SpeK ne B- Fead ke B'xkst I Attn -cits. Hebrew Bm ks, Green Kiks, A very hvte of ars. Sinclair (late Mrs. Edwin Forrest) is Hose Company has been removed from their en inst sufficient to irritate auu i jus i nut awrv and violence piaiing at tne jvauonai ineatre, Cincinnati. gine house, which they sold to the Baltimore and PILES! PI LES Thona aftlieted 53Carpenters are in great demand at Savannah.

Paper, Blinds ol every variety, rViV.cs and Ink, Pens and Holders, i 1 1 rr a id ot ve lo pg hazard voe at ihi list Presidential section: Ohio Railroad Company, to their temporary house, in Baire, near Sharp street. In cases of lire the notmne by atrial ol DR. mkokees 1813 Cass 6,591 117 ISjI PI I.E. LIN AM h.NT, as it is warranted to cure or in company will be in. service.

Ga. One person advertises ior twenty-five. Rogers, of Wilmington, Del has been ordered to Boston. 10.112 mtiirned. It -would, therefore, be superiiuou l-I'l-'i-C H1.

MEDICAL BOOKS, iust 7 975 to cd a lone list of certificates. Reference tien Death of an Aaed Citizen. Wm. H. Hanson, one Yn Bjien 1,9 sioners to prevent traffick in slaves, and I.

Sin 1 nx-'m riiiri D. O. DK1SCOLL, 221 (iiira Saveren, a respectable citizen of ThTsTs not tSe worst: he watchmen are not sustained by tha courts, There are brave hearts among our police, but, beside the own feebleness, they feel that their efforts wm not be seconded by those to whom we have i confided the enforcement of the laws, and who ought to be "a state of atfairs you not -ii-w some remedy! Does at not become the neooie to assemble and adopt some measures? A ran 'for a public mating, Wholesale f.nd Retail A rent. bills drawn on account of captured slaves. Last year the expenses on account of the British of our most aged citizens, expired at his residence ia Lombard street yesterday morning.

He was for si rmmhf-r nf rftars onracypfl in the Baltimore 7i Raltimor oppoK'tw HnllidaT. rnr NFRtES WANTED. 1 wdl pay the hiehVst -rices, cash, tor NE-fWiir IVfA slaves for life or for a term Sm' Houses of Parliament amounted to 154,987, of 1CHMOND STREET.GROCER Custom house, and for several years represented r.rr:'m i. or sttgle necroes, IV A choice stock of selected Fresh Family GRO the Fourth ward in the city council. which 5,000 was the Speaker's salary; 91,500 the salaries and expenses of the officers of the two Houses of Parliament, and 53,397 for priming.

CERIES, for sale by I wUl also purchase Negroes r'ed Uremio the State that sustain eood ie Wheeling, died suddenly last Friday. EJ" Thanksgiving day in North Carolina takes place on the 25th instant. John. Mallory, a native of Yirp't. 3 suddenly at tavannsh, on Saturday gTke new music hall.

'S(rfir iiToL-e Boston, tf.arave llboni cn the '20 th IPS. E. A. PRFSTON. Acciden, Mr.

Henry Shipley, of Baltimore co. The official returns ot Susquehanna county give Pierce a majority of 1011. Cass' majority was 710. GEORGIA. We have the following returns from this State: Counties.

Chatham MOm 102 F.iho 40m 100 KilLlOOtld -H3 Lest: rttarus itdiad. CYe-WheiaU-g lily fox Ileice in tiic stiiCi Kiohn-'oKit strict, opooaife the mrmiii rw larseiv i icuucu. was very severely injured on wcuuctuv, sequence of being run over by a heavy mili-wagou Tnten! 3t-OEsu! Shark py arrived at Havana on the Lorn New Orleans STfU. ihip Cysne, Corn. HoUins, arrive QO: KA '-esii 8t POLKA BRACELETS just re-1 or I.A.WS Jt MIL at their ed we rouTtoVVouiht to be tripled rt-kSieSS San Uow public Uneracy to i.Oii'V.u rri BlHUiWaiB 111 lilt Hwlllfl ci.z'..

Coift'Auruoatiun a'teoded to. ru i.i.erat JOHN DEN.NiN'O, No. IS t'trc' Let e-a iitlttcK-re which he was driving at the time Calhoun stitet- His recovery is co: if Fcssaeoii ca the aooi um iiw streets, Mt, iitt in front Loei purposes N'-t-w loik ciiy 12 Kbi r.5 in at 1.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.