The Gettysburg Times from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE TWO TltE GETTYSBURG TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1024. PfcoatBell CM United 72 or tl Miss Anna Bream, teaher of Latin! in Mount Joy. at the Loysville Orphans School, is spending the holidays at the home of Richard and Paul Williams, who are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.

C. Bream, students in Girard College, Philadcl- East Middle street. Miss Katherine Hunimelbaugh, Ml. A1, is spending several days with Miss iBrcain. HEADLINED IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY.

phia, are visiting their mother, Mrs. A. V. Weikert. John M.

Mussetoan, of Fairfield, transacted business Gettysburg today. Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Haehnlen, North Stratton street, entertained the following guests at their home on Christmas Day: Mr.

and Mrs. H. B. Sefton and daughter, Miss Anna, Mrs. Laura B.

Fissel and daughters, Kathryn and Janet, and son, George; Misses Alice and Elizabeth Martin, West High street, are guests of their sister, Mrs. George Baiaer, in Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. E.

Eay Williams and son, Charles Ray, of Sunbury, are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams, Hanover street.

Miss Eleanor Kennedy, of Syracuse, New York, is a guest at the home of Professor and Mrs. Robert Forten- Edward W. Haehnlen and John Haehn- baugh, Lincoln avenue. len, of Harrisburg. anJ F.

A. Haehn- len. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stock, of Har! risburg, are guests of the former's mother, Mrs.

Sara Stock, Baltimore street. Claver Smith has returned to his home in McSherrystown, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Menchey, North Washington Mrs Walter Weigle, of street Philadelphia, are visiting the former parents, Mr. ard Mrs.

William C. ISP--of Weigle, in Big-lerville. --Carroll McDonnell, science at Woodbvry, New Jersey. I high school, is home for the Christ- I Charles H. Little, a student wiHi thc mas holidays.

Electric Company, Pittsburgh, is spending the holidays Henry McDonnell, of Philadel- nith his mother, Mrs. Ada Little, East phia, is spending -Chrisrmas at his Middle street. home here. Mr, and WilMam P. Fortune and daughter.

Anna, are spending the hoh'days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Gilbert, i street. i Miss Louise Bender and her friend," Miss Mabel Lindeman, of New Yoik City, arc spending thc Christmas sea- i sen with the former's patents, Mr.

and i Mrs. H. B. Bender, Baltimore street. Professor and Mrs.

G. R. Thomas, of Brooklyn, New York, are visiting- the letter's mother, Mrs. Waybright Rice, ir. BigJcrville.

MOOBH.FIDLE LLED BY DEATH Mr. and Mrs. James Stock and Well-Known Resident of Straban James, are visiting at the home Township Dies at Son's of Mr. Stock's brother, Bernard Home. North Stratton street.

Jacob H. Fidler, well-known resident Lieutenant John Weikert, of Canute straban lownshi died at the home 1 rv 13 P. endmg 'of his son. Harry Fidler, York Springs, the Christmas Holidays with par-, at 5 30 morni i 1- nine days of his seventy-fifth birth-1 day. from a complication of diseases.

He is survived by his widow, and the ents, Mr. and Mrs. McSiughtstown. illiam Weikert. Eva Tanguay, noted commedienne, collapsed in a taeatre at frov dence, R.

and is in a critical condition because of penumonia. Remarkable presence of mind enabled Miss Margot Kelly, of tne cast iof "The Second Mrs. Tauqueray," to avert a disastrous fire and panic Jn the Cort Theatre, New York, wnen a cigarette she tossed away, as of her role, fell Into a mass artificial flowers in the stage setting. seized tne flowers and tossed them off stage just as they burst facto flame, then calmly continued her role, while the audience, whict 'jiad started to its feet, dropped back again into vacated seats and out the actress' words in a roar of applause. Paris courts ihave ruled that Edith Kelly Gould, American dancer, must pay out ol 'fcer own funds the cost of fifty-five pairs of stockings wnich sbe purchased a Paris shop.

She had endeavored to force her former husband, jjFrank J. Gould, to foot the bill. Jules J. Jusserand. retiring French flAmbassador to the United States, in effect was directly rebuked by fche White House for his plea in a Washington address for a moratorium Ibefore the French war debt of 54,000,000,000 to the United States la Itaken up, a spokesman for President Coolidga painting out that Ambassador instead of taking the matter up with Secretary of State Hughes, had gone to the country as a whole with his appeal IS GIVEN PURSE BY CHARGE Mount Joy Sunday School Splendid Christmas Program; Pastor Given The Mount Joy.

School rendered the following Christmas pro! gram on Christmas eve: Opening song by school, "Greet the responsive reading by i superintendent and school; prayer by Rev. L. K. Young; solo by Catherine chorus by school; recita-j tion, Ruth Schwartz-: recitation, Eva Jane Schwartz; recitation, Mary Boyd; song, "The Glory of Christmas exercise, William Young, Beatrice i Sharetts, Anna Mary Benner, Grace I Young, Ruth Schwartz, Madeline Smith and Mervine Durboraw; recitation, Margaret Benner: song, "A Stranger Comes to i school; recitation, Beatrice Sharetts; I exercise, Harry Maring, Luther 1 Schwartz. John Plank and James Smith; duet, "Bethlehem Town," Catherine Durboraw and Wilbur Gouker; recitation, Doris Krumrine Fissel: rscitation Ifey Slonaker; durt, "SI On, King," Catherine and Beatrice Marvin Gouker; song, "The Old, Old Story," by school.

1 Exercise, Norman Gray, Robert Lohr, John Maring, Robert Dougherty I i and Wjaitcr Lindsey; recitation, Jun- i lor Smith; recitation, Betty "Thy Are Angels Singing?" Roy Shoemaker; recitation, Catherine Sh-iretts; song, "We Would Tell the j'World," by Primary Department; song i i "Star of Love," by school; exercise, Margaret Benner, Doris Fissel, Isa-1 I bolle and Catherine Smith; I exercise. Memories," Cith-' erine Sharr-tts and Margaret fairies; Miry Waybright. grandmoth- I er; Cathcime Bream, Emma Hilda Rose and Margaret Sharetts. Rhoda Jacobs and Catherine Luckcn-' baugh, carolers; song, "Bells of ly school; pantomine, "Silent Mary Gouker. Emma Boyd, i Waybright, Catherine L-ickenbauah $1 per pair BOTH PHONES Have you got those winter blues? Docs cold weather make your decks red or your lips blue? Ifyou'w warm, you'Ilic rosy.

If chilled, you'll be blue. GOTHAM INVISIBLES (Patented) worn under silk stockings put a warm glow in your legs that extcniis to your checks. Invisiblesarc flesh oolorcd knitted spats thac mould themselves to the leg from instep to icnce. Put on sheer stockings nd Invisibles vanish. They can't be can.bc felt! CKERT HOE and kTOCKINC 'TORE CALL US Keep Cold Out with Wirfs Insulated Cushion jJust tackjt on and turn the corners.

Keeps cold out Saves coal ADAMS COUNTY HARDWARE COMPANY, Baltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa. ACCOUNT )F SUPERVISORS OF FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP For year ending 1924. and "Feed" Is Headquarters Tilt. The basketball team of 3, Bov Miss Grace S. Yohe, New Oxford, has returned to her home after a visit' Allowing sens and daugnters: Wil- at the home of Mrs.

A. East I bam Gettysburg P- Mrs. Clarence Middle street. Tanger, Mrs. William Kennedy and Harry Fidler, York Springs; Mrs.

Miss Mildred A. Peters, of German- I John Hoffman, Gettysburg R. Law- town, a teacher rcncs Fidler, Hampton, and Mrs. in the public schools, of Philadelphia, Franklin Miller, and the is spending her Christmas, vocation brothers and sisters." with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

George' Hannah Deardorff Elizabeth Presentation of Merit Badges Daniel Who Resided M. Peters, of Floia Dale. Paul R. Lentz, of Akron. Ohio, is visiting his parents Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Lentz, Gettysburg R. 9.

Mr. and Mjrs. Elmer P. Price and son, Donald, are spending a few days with Mrs. Price's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Deardorff, Middle street.

They will return to Reading on Sunday. A telegram has received by friends here that Mrs. Jane Geiselnian, West Middle street, is seriously ill in Philadelphia, where she had gone tc visit relatives. Ralph Sterner, North Stratton street, is spending ten days in Baltimore, "Washington and Philadelphia. Muss Doris Flank, of Table Rock, deputy clerk of the courts, left today for 'Baltimore, where she will spend a week.

RECEIPTS Jas. Ball collected on 1922 Duplicate 755.78 and Margaret Sharetts; song, by Jas. Ball collected on 1923 Duplicate 1461.83 I Earl Waybright. Jas. Bail collected on 1924 Duplicate 6607 42 Address by the pastor, L.

Note Jas Bail 1922-1923 Yoang; song by school: offering, tatc Fore try Tax 1923 to-be-sent to tke-frr rt. JJ. donation IT -it i- jLoysvilIe Orphans Home; closirg by school; benediction. 1 A. of $35.00, a number of i bushels of corn, oats and wheat, and 509.SG 222.5G 100.00 R.

Bream donation 25.00 Department of Highways 359.62 Dividends, Insurance Co 15.12 two pigs were niven to the pastor. County Commissioners 15.25 Mrs. Hartlaub, the pianist, as Money Borrowed 3900.00 presented with $17.95. qf Grader, 195.80i The the Bible $14,168.24 Walhcy, Gardners R. Stahley.

Johnstown; Mrs. David Stauf- fer, Philadelphia, and John and I Emanuel, of Bigierville. Funeral Wednesday morning, meet- ing at the house at 9:30 o'clock, with services from Bender's Lutheran Church, of which he was an active and prominent member, at 10:30 o'clock, their' fWp During Civil War vc VJ 55 EXPENDITURES Period ItacnuLbs at Cl thc of the Permanent Improvement on Roads 3249.37 OM i StmaS Blgl6rV lle i Permanent Bridges, Sluices, Tile UK! Age. Lutheran Cnurch, Vo A thc Rev. G.

E. Miller, pastor, was Daniel II. Fahrney. one of Waynes- presented with a purse containin Scouts, of Gettysburg, adaeJ another boro's oldest residents, died Sunday in gold, representing voluntary to its string of victories by trimming night afc his hcmc from a complication contribution of members of his con- the Boy Scout quintet due to olh age. gregation.

the score in a return game Deceased born March, 1836, by the Rev. G. E. Miller and the Rev. 0.

D. Coble, at Bendersville. Interment the college Fndav i Quincy, the r-cn oi Dr. Jacob and ing, foilov.irjr the Alumni-Hi'rh game, i Elizabeth Fahrney. and practically all It was thc third victory out of his hfe.

with the exception of a short many starts for thc local scouts. time when he lived in the West, was After the eame, thc Arendtsville! spent in this section. He moved to scouts and their friends v.pre guests; Waynesboro in 1854 and for three of Troop 3. at their club rooms in the I year- Tas engaged in the harness Word was in Litt'estown of Weaver building: Howard making- -business having learned his FORMER COUNTIAN DIES New Tools and Machinery 311.90 Repairs on Tools 334.64 Wages of Roadmasters 1259.60 Compensation of Treasurer 100.72 Compensation of Secretary 100.72 Compensation of Collector 164.Gl Removing 132.5-3 Attending Annual Convention Interest on' Notes Room Rent i Index Boards Loans Baid 22.24 127.67 500 8.00 3800.00 Engine- Hire--Lumber, Fuel 897.43 the death of Joseph Livers, -at Balti- i voted iruo 11 the -a-le under th i Miss Betty Mentzer. of ABentown.

is visiting at the home of her grand- WiiUain Weagley. 1 Machine of C. G. Taylor, Near Water Troughs 36.00 rr.oie, Wednesday, in an accident Mr. ti-oop and merit badges were Fo'lowing thir period he taught school Arendtsville, Skids On Icy I Printing 1923 Accounts 20.80 presented -to as many scouts.

in Vv ash-ngton township, teaching one Road and Crashes I Compensation Insurance 53 00 court of honor, Wa'ter Hoyn-. y-ar at Plajn Hill and' tv.o yean at Into Tree. Writmc Dupl-calc 7 50 olds, president, hold its next Mr. Joy. meeting for the distribution of merit; Shortly after gmng up his school I Running onto a particularly badges on January 14.

i ho married Miss Rebecca Hohf Commends Scouts of Adams county and for five years J. E. Snydcr, one of th Livers was a former resident of Litt'estown. He is survived-by two daughters. Mrs.

George Buddy, Littlestown. and a daughter in Baltimore with whom he resided. ROTARY SPEAKER 10.00 15M Attorney's Fees icy (Auditors piece of road on a down grade on the Miscellancous 30618 Mumrnasbui-g road, while dnvmg i AT tl O1 aiter being married he fanr-cd near ward Gettysburg this morning, the councilmen, and father of or? of thc i Gettysburg, having been in that sec- i tourmg car of G. near I Maintenance of Earth Roads and Sluices 2112.30 Middle street Misses Anna and Edith Smiley returned to Philadelphia coday after a visit at their home here. Mr.

and Mrs. C. Arthur daughters, Misses Katharyn and Lcti- tia, and Elizabeth Griest, of Guernsey, were Christmas guests of Miss Mary Griest, in Baltimore, Maryland. Monday HoteL Mr- Stair I Gettysburg Rotary ing, in the Eagle will speak on thc activities of the York Club in 1924. The dinner will be served at 6 o'clock.

115043 37 "Bill" Stair, president of the York scouts in Troop 3, rorrimended thc tion at the home of the battle of Get- Arendtsville. skidded and crashed into scouts for their many services to the; tysburg-. From there he moved to a tree. i RESOURCES community, them cs-; Elbroah where he farmed for a nuin- Mr. Taylor, who was driving, suf- Outstanding Tax on 1924 Duplicate $2130.22 pecialiy on the evident which they on thc evident manner i Ixr of rears after which he moved to fcred several minor cuts on his face, Department of Highways, 1924 Duplicate cy traffic in where he resided ever but his daughter, Miss Margaret, 20 Forestry Tax, 1924 Duplicate pott su.nioerr.

since. v.ho ua.s ndmg in the front seat with i po-h TiTnrl 1P94 i i i on iicina. Ltuym.a.ii. PROTEST INCREASES ing the C. A.

Arneson, a at Gettjs-' burg College, and i ncmbor of the United States Navy, addressed the boio having been part owner of a Published Paper her fa-her, escaped injury, although He engaged in business in Waynes- she was out of the door when 986.0-S 222.56 252 67 (By Associated Frost.) scouts on Vnot tying and splicing, and "tock company. consented to instruct, the troop in thut liphed "The vork during the the car crashed. Mr Taylor stated that he was driv- rcthren Advocate," a ing at a moderate rate cf speed, and At one time he nub- LIABILITIES Loans from Bank S3085.00 th paper, his place of business at that the accident occurrad on a curve. I Excess of Resources over Liabilities 506.53 i. TV i cu tA.

u.ui t. vvasmngton. JJec. Harry Sadler addrccrcJ thc troop on that time i heen located on the on which there was still considerable against increases in second class a i respect to the American pioposcd in the administration; After the meet.npr, Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne Ralston and, to raise revenue for postal. ice cream were served. increases were presented tooav 1 children, Mrs. Helena Nenly and of Wenonah, Jersey, are spend- spokesman for the American News- several Farrfidd. days relatives in papers Publishers Association.

COLDER WEATHER AHEAD Miss Eliza Bishop, Springs spent Thursday at the home of her. (By Associated 'brother-in-law and sister. Ji an Warhington, Dec. weather Mrs. Arthur Taylor, in Harrisburg.

outlook for thc week beginning Mon- dov s--Abnormally cold at beginning-. '-MUTE ARRESTED FOR WRECK ATTEMPTS (By Afsocialetl Prw Lewistown, 1 Po 28, a deaf-mule, wa- crrcit- site on which the Wayncsboro Trust ice from the recent- ram and sleet. The! Comwrny now stands. Later for a accident happened at 8 o'clock this! i'hort period he was night watchman rnoming. at the Fnck Company plant and thon Mr.

Taylor was thrown against tne for the past 25 years Tie had been liv- v.indshield head first, and was cat by in rftiiement. i glass when the pane was shr.t- He nas i. member of the Church offered. His daughter, was thrown out AUDITORS C. A.

HARTMAN CLARENCE D. DEARDORFF J. E. RICE the Bu-thren. Surviving- are three children, Jacob M.

Fahrney. Mt. Airv. Maryland; Ed- at home, and Mrs. K.

B. Moo- Fur.f-ral service-; held Wedncs- a position Mis Ellen Oyler. of Pittsburgh, is vhdtiBg her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Oyicr, in Arendtsville.

A. Dallas Morganthal, of Waynesboro, is spending a frv days at the home of Mr. Mrs. John Cliambersburg btrett. Wednesday.

latter part of week. of the car and lay stunned for a few seconds, but was otherwise uninjured. The impact with the tree damaged the right front side of the machine, and thc frame apparently is bent. i North Queen street, guests I Christmas Day of their son-in-law and Arthur Cunning-k daughter) Mr and Mrs. Francis LITTLESTOWN ham and son, of Charleston, West Shaun) an family, of Taneytown, Virginia, are spending a week at thc' jj ar an( home of, her brother-in-law and sis- FIRE IN WAKE OF BLAST (B Doctor and Mrs Clinton Maratt and children, of Seneca, South Caiolira.

are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mcllhenny. L.neom avenue.

Ired a poi'-- xplodcd aboard a ship harbor a 1 -Otaru. A disastrous lire TV, resulted from the explosion. i nc CT in connection with throe attempt; to wreck fast n.ght between MifT'in and nsar h'-re. Polic? j-d ht had (J, fuaa 1 (t a girl III.ITT; tram to int; HIM police aKo I engine, however, continued after the accident. The damaged car Mr.

and Mrs. William H. Walt, PETITIONS FOR ROAD FUND towed to the Eddie Planl i Ensure rc- a to YO.X", 27--Tle, rounty have formally nctilion- State I)cparfcmf-nt for York street, -rami-rc nt France Chooses Her Visitors to York county of thc 210,000,000 I its i ozid loan f'f li2o. Th-- board ha-i pctrttonct) jjh.say thc tion of 13 rnilca CHICAGOAN TO AbSIST PROBE I latter's daughter, Mrs. Carrie Stultz i and family, North Queen street.

U( 7 Associate Press.) I Ralph E. Hinkle, of Lancaster, is Chicago, Dec. 27--William D. Shop- spending thc holidays'with his family, Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Blocher, of ashington, D. are spending some -nr-ii- 11 mne at the home of the former's nar- Mr. and Mrs. William Sellers, of, a West ir, ana! Stover, iflr and lto Mr. and Mrs.

Charles L. and Mrs. G. treet. of Mr.

and Harry Steelto are fe th Hampstead. Maryland were enoertam- and Mrs William ed on Thursday at the home of the Hornbergcr, of than 482.COO A HAS 11 PORTIAS TO LAUNCH SUBMARINE an-ivcd in Chicago today from Mexico to project himself into the investigation of the death of his Mrs. Maratt and Mrs. Mcllhenr.v are rs cntcre: France from January sjsters. 1 to June 00, 1924.

,110.122 came to Pans. Of this toui! were railed Dui-inj? these ago they l'i- tr Miss Lily Dougherty, West High, 1 8 months- 8,810 foreigners were ex-! female ban Etreet, is spending a few days with' pelled from France and 1,433 were re- land to 41. Amon in Philadelphia. fused admittance. called on" this c.inu.-, 7 .1 days Portsmouth, N.

Jc. 27. of n- arin Z-2, a s-'hip. -of 'I Eng- launched Mr. and Mrs.

Austin Fellenbaum, of Peach GJen, spent Christmas Day at the home of the former's parents, Be fearful only of yourself, and stand in awe of none more than your own conscience. American citizen Russia. No occasion were Twice as footer-son, William M. McClintock, ner Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey i i a i orphan." He said he Dodrer, and family, South Queen would a public exoneration of the street publicity which has been V-i, ajiaimt i i Michigan, are visiting the for- I have- come voluntarily to answer mer 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William I. Ebaugh, and family, South Queen S. East King street.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles North Queen street, spent Thursday with their "daughter, Mrs. Lynn Smith, and family, of Walkersville, Maryland. Miss Mae Collins, a nurse at thc Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, is spending a week at the home of her Ted Ebaugh, of De-, parents Mr and Mrs.

James Col- Kump apartments. Miss Anna Dcdrer. Alloway, Jersey, is spending the holidays with citizen of iy constructed in the preventing they a re of a as may be asked me, aa any cvftr to ask some questions m'y- I the English bar. ublicit Mr. Shepcrd said.

"I will seek nine public exoneration as widespread as the accusation me. street. William Cramer, of Washington, D. transacted business in town Friday. Mr; artd Mrs.

William H. Wisotzkey, and family. Queen Miss Jennie Gutelius, East street, spent Christmas Day at home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ziegler and family, of Hanover.

Be great in act as you have been in thought. KWSPAPLRl i.

The Gettysburg Times from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.